Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Does Money Have Value in Economics

While it may be true that money makes the world go around, it is not inherently valuable. Unless you enjoy looking at pictures of deceased national heroes, these colorfully imprinted pieces of paper have no more use than any other piece of paper. It is only when we agree as a country to assign a value to that paper—and other countries agree to recognize that value—that we can use it as currency. Gold and Silver Standards It didnt always work this way. In the past, money generally took the form of coins composed of precious metals such as gold and silver. The value of the coins was roughly based on the value of the metals they contained because you could always melt the coins down and use the metal for other purposes. Until a few decades ago, the value of paper money in many countries, including the United States, was based on a gold or silver standard, or some combination of the two. The piece of paper money was simply a convenient way of holding that particular bit of gold or silver. Under the gold or silver standard, you could actually take your paper money to the bank and exchange it for an amount of gold or silver based on an exchange rate set by the government. Up until 1971, the United States operated under a gold standard, which since 1946 had been governed by the Bretton Woods system, which created fixed exchange rates that allowed governments to sell their gold to the United States treasury at the price of $35 per ounce. Believing that this system undermined the U.S. economy, President Richard M. Nixon took the country off the gold standard in 1971. Fiat Money Since Nixons ruling, the United States has operated on a system of fiat money, which means our currency is not tied to any other commodity. The word fiat originates in the Latin, the imperative of the verb facere,  to make or become.  Fiat money is money whose value is not inherent but called into being by a human system. So these pieces of paper in your pocket are just that: pieces of paper.   Why We Believe Paper Money Has Value So why does a five-dollar bill have value and some other pieces of paper do not? It’s simple: Money is a both a good and a method of exchange. As a good, it has a limited supply, and therefore there is a demand for it. There is a demand because people can use the money to purchase the goods and services they need and want. Goods and services are what ultimately matter in the economy, and money is a way that allows people to acquire the goods and services that they need or want. They earn this method of exchange by going to work, which is a contractual exchange of one set of goods—labor, intellect, etc.—for another. People work to acquire money in the present to purchase goods and services in the future. Our system of money operates on a mutual set of beliefs; as long as enough of us believe in the value of money, for now, and in the future,  the system will work. In the United States, that faith is engendered and supported by the federal government, which explains why the phrase backed by the full faith and credit of the government means what it says and no more: the money may have no intrinsic value, but you can trust using it because of its federal backing. Furthermore, it is unlikely that money will be replaced in the near future because the inefficiencies of a purely barter  system, in which goods and services are exchanged for other goods and services, are well known. If one currency is to be replaced by another, there will be a period in which you can switch your old currency for new currency. This is what happened in Europe when countries switched over to the Euro. So our currencies are not going to disappear entirely, although at some future time you may be trading in the money you have now for some form of money that supersedes it.   The Future Value of Money Some economists dont trust our system of fiat currency and believe we cannot continue to declare that it has value. If the vast majority of us come to believe that our money wont be nearly as valuable in the future as it is today, then our currency becomes inflated.  Inflation  of the currency, if it becomes excessive, causes people to want to get rid of their money as quickly as possible. Inflation, and the rational way citizens react to it is bad for the economy. People will not sign profitable deals that involve future payments because they’ll be unsure what the value of money will be when they get paid. Business activity sharply declines because of this. Inflation causes all sorts of other inefficiencies, from a cafà © changing its prices every few minutes to a homemaker taking a wheelbarrow full of money to the bakery in order to buy a loaf of bread. The belief in money and the steady value of the currency are not innocuous things. If citizens lose faith in the money supply and believe that money will be worthless in the future, economic activity can grind to a halt. This is one of the main reasons the U.S. Federal Reserve acts diligently to keep inflation within bounds—a little is actually good, but too much can be disastrous. Supply and Demand Money is essentially a good, so as such is ruled by the axioms of supply and demand. The value of any good is determined by its supply and demand and the supply and demand for other goods in the economy. A price for any good is the amount of money it takes to get that good. Inflation occurs when the price of goods increases—in other words when money becomes less valuable relative to those other goods. This can occur when: The supply of money goes up.The supply of other goods goes down.Demand for money  goes down.Demand for other goods goes up. The key cause of inflation increases in the supply of money. Inflation can occur for other reasons. If a natural disaster destroyed stores but left banks intact, we’d expect to see an immediate rise in prices, as goods are now scarce relative to money. These kinds of situations are rare. For the most part,  inflation  is caused when the money supply rises faster than the supply of other goods and services. To summarize, money has value because people believe that they will be able to exchange this  money for goods and services in the future. This belief will persist so long as people do not fear future inflation or the failure of the issuing agency and its government.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Basketball Market And Company Description Essay

Market and Company Description The basketball sneaker market holds great importance to basketball players and fans and is an important part of the footwear market. A rough size of the basketball footwear market can be determined by the total market revenue divided by the average price of basketball sneakers to find the approximate number of units sold in a year. In 2016, the basketball footwear market in Canada reached a total revenue of $140 million (Hutchins, 2016). In the current market the average basketball shoes cost around $190. The total market revenue divided by the average price of basketball shoes equals approximately 740, 000 units sold within this year. The major segments of the basketball footwear market in Canada are basketball players and enthusiasts that range from youth to adults. Sneakers are segmented based on different positions in basketball. Consumers who play basketball are segmented based on the position they play: (1) guards require speed (2) centres require strength and (3) forward players require both. (Brauner, Zwinzscher, Sterzing, 2012). The basketball sneaker market shows signs of growth. A sign that shows growth in Canada is the increase in the previous market size of $85 million in 2012, and its current market size of $140 million in 2016, an increase of 64% increase in the market (Hutchins, 2016). The segments that are growing within Canada are the fans and youth, indicated by the growth in basketball viewership between â€Å"108,000 inShow MoreRelatedCreative Strategy1101 Words   |  5 PagesAdvertisers use different ways of thinking to create catchy slogans that capture consumer attention. Creative strate gies promote publicity, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. These ways of thinking are divided into three basic descriptions: Weak strategies, mid-strength strategies and strong strategies. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marijuana Argument Paper Free Essays

To Legalize or Not to Legalize The question of whether or not to legalize marijuana has been a hot spot for this generation and is something that has enflamed a lot of passion in people. This issue plays a big part in the lives of Americans because marijuana is the most commonly used, and abused, drug in the United States (DuPont par. 3). We will write a custom essay sample on Marijuana Argument Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some people think it should be legalized because it would be good for the economy, it would help stop the drug wars, and because they believe it’s the right of individuals to smoke marijuana if they so desire. Other people think that it should not be legalized because of its negative health effects, dangers to society, and because they don’t think that marijuana has any benefits to the community of our country. Because of the scope of this issue, there are many strong arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana. However, in my opinion, marijuana should not be legalized due to its harmful side effects, negative impact on our economy, and overall danger to society. The first reason marijuana should not be legalized is that it leads to numerous health concerns for the user and those around him or her. Marijuana will increase the heart rate by 20% to 100% after using it and this can lead to later heart problems. It also affects the lungs and because when smoking marijuana, one inhales more deeply and for a longer time than when smoking cigarettes, so the effect on the lungs is even worse (â€Å"Marijuana† screens 1-2). It can lead to coughing, pulmonary infections, and lung cancer, and marijuana also represses the immune system, which exposes the body to numerous diseases (â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † screens 1-2). Finally, marijuana is very unhealthy for the brain. According to the web page â€Å"Marijuana† written by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana causes one to have distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, and problems with learning and memory. These results can last for multiple days. Other extreme mental diseases that smoking marijuana can cause are anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia (screen 1). Not only that, but marijuana can indeed be addictive which leads to further health problems (â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † screen 3). Many people, when arguing in favor for the legalization of marijuana, neglect the negative impact marijuana has on its user, which is an incredibly important part of the argument. Yet marijuana does not only negatively affect the user, it also presents many dangers for society. One of these dangers is all the health risks that come from secondhand smoke. The secondhand smoke of marijuana can cause all of the health problems that smoking it directly does. If children are around smoke from marijuana, it can cause asthma, ear infections, breathing problems, and it can stunt their mental and emotional development (â€Å"Effects of Smoking† par. -2). Another concern for the safety of society that marijuana presents is people driving under the influence. If marijuana were legalized, the amount of DUI’s would absolutely increase (â€Å"Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana† screen 1). Currently if a person gets pulled over for driving under the influence, theyà ¢â‚¬â„¢re in for â€Å"double trouble,† so to speak, because the officer could arrest them for, obviously, driving under the influence, but they could also arrest them for possessing marijuana since it is illegal. If marijuana is legalized, people will still be given DUI’s, but they won’t be worried about going to jail for possessing marijuana, which might lead to more DUI’s. Marijuana has so many dangerous outcomes on society, which is one more reason why it should not be legalized. Finally, marijuana truly would not have any positive outcomes on our country. Many people argue that if we legalize marijuana, we can put high taxes on it and improve our economy from it. However, marijuana is very easy to get from other sources, so why would people buy taxed marijuana when they can get along just fine with marijuana bought from other locations? DuPont par. 11). People can grow their own marijuana in their backyards, get some from friends, or even get it from another country. In addition, the legalization of marijuana could lead to people advocating for the legalization of other, more dangerous drugs, which would cause of plethora of new problems. In the end, legalizing mariju ana would truly do no good for our society. In conclusion, legalizing marijuana would not help at all in our fight to prevent the abuse of this drug. Legalizing marijuana will lead to numerous health problems, will hurt the safety of all people, not just the users, and it will do no general good for society. In fact, legalizing marijuana will simply increase the number of users and abusers. An effective way for controlling our country’s use of marijuana would be creating more prevention awareness problems. Many people do not know the harmful effects of marijuana and if they did, the amount of people who use marijuana would most likely drop. We need to take action to educate people about the harmful effects of marijuana so that this issue oes become exacerbated in the future. Works Cited â€Å"Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana. †Pros amp; Cons of Legalizing Marijuana. University of Missouri at St. Louis. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. DuPont, Dr. Robert L. â€Å"Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. †Marijuana amp; Money. CNBC. 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Effects of Smoking. †Diseases amp; Health Conditions. Livestrong. 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Marijuana. †DrugFacts. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Nov. 2010. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † Health Concerns. Harvard. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. How to cite Marijuana Argument Paper, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Public Service Delivery Managing with External

Question: Discuss about the Public Service Delivery for Managing with External. Answer: Introduction This particular report is mainly aimed to identify all the crucial as well as the key factors in the service delivery for the government agencies. On the other hand, three important recommendations are also aimed to be established in this study through which issues associated with the service delivery can be mitigated. Apart from that, this report has the aim to deploy an e-government service delivery infrastructure with the help of which the new service for an imaginary developing country can be implemented. Moreover, the three suggestions are also aimed to be provided in this report, which are the key processes or the strategies through which the user needs can be integrated into the service design. Key Factors in Service Delivery for Government Agencies According to Demydov et al., (2015), the effective coordination of the service delivery can easily increase the service quality as well as can also benefit the providers of service. The benefits incorporate much effective utilization of resources as well as improved relationships of working. The Human Service delivery process is complicated in the modern Western societies with the higher expectations in community who are competing the requirements. The human service delivery is often delivered under the fiscal barriers. The specialization can also be meant that the individual agencies or the service providers implement the expertise for delivering a very specific service, yet communities, families as well as individuals (Khosa, 2015). Therefore, it is very crucial for recognizing the fact that the distinctions between the community-initiated as well as the whole-of-government approaches are often blurred, in cases particularly where the community-initiated are taken up by the program s of whole of government due to their perceived success in order to deliver the real results. It is also clear regardless of such distinctions through the analysis of both the approaches that the certain factors in association with the coordination of the service delivery can lead to the positive outcomes for the indigenous Australian. There are few significant as well as crucial factors in the service delivery for the Government agencies, which are crucial in delivering such outcomes such as: Supporting the non-indigenous as well as indigenous staff Applying an approach based on strengths Investing resources as well as time into the consultations of community (Gabris et al., 2014). Ensuring the cultural appropriateness On the other hand, there are four key elements for the successful delivery systems of the services necessary for the government agencies are the customer experience, employee engagement, service quality as well as the service culture. According to the survey done by the Digital Transformation agency of the Australian Government, it can stated that the government agencies should follow the above mentioned and analyzed factors in order to make the government processes less stressful as well as less complex for the people (Brown, Potoski Van Slyke, 2015). This is simply because the government agencies have an ethical obligation for delivering the service with the best quality as the public servants within the quickest possible time. As per data presented in the survey, it can be seen that most of the people are comfortable with the utilization of the digital channels for interacting with the federal government agencies (Erickson Glazer, 2015). Running a successful service company shou ld be synonymous with the delivery of the excelling service. This survey has provided that all of the factors identified in this section are the key elements in the service delivery for government agencies. Major Recommendations for the Service Delivery Accomplishing the goals of the service delivery is very crucial as well as a big challenge for numerous governments. It can be stated that the local government of a particular country should have the facilitated delivery of service (Reddick Turner, 2012). Therefore, the failure in the provision of the promised public services as well as the goods is the consequence of the immediate failure of the reformation of the public sector as it has been the case in numerous developing and the developed countries as well (Schnoll, 2015). Therefore, in case of the government agencies in Australia, these agencies can follow three significant recommendations in order to resolve as well as overcome the issues associated with the service delivery served by the public sectors in the country. These are as follows: Focusing on the problem management process for the service delivery The government agencies in Australia should adopt as well as build a proper and an effective problem management process in order to provide a perfect service delivery. This is simply because that the process of problem management for the delivery of service is mainly focused on the reducing incidents as well as the impacts of those incidents on the operations of a particular organization (Papadomichelaki et al., 2013). The problem management process should help the clients of the government agencies in Australia in terms of reducing the incidents as well as their impact on the operations. It can address the underlying cause of several incidents and it also attempts to address as well as detect the major reasons of issues. Implementation of the Effective Regional Service Delivery Model The problems or the issues in association with the service delivery process of the government agencies in Australia can be mitigated with the help of the proper implementation of the effective Regional Service Delivery Model. The Regional Service Delivery Model is easily customizable as well as permits the local governments for determining how to collaborate as well as pool the resources most effectively. The Regional Service Delivery Model possesses the sharing economy in order to help the governments in Australia for delivering the services that their citizens need on the basis that is as needed (Papadomichelaki Mentzas, 2012). The citizens can enjoy the real advantages without incurring long term costs and the increase in the tax as a result of the sharing solutions. Adoption of the Cohesive Service Delivery Theory This particular theory can also play a two significant roles in terms of resolving the issues in relation to the service delivery process of the government agencies in Australia (Schnoll, 2015). First role of the implementation of this theory is the facilitation the understanding the distinct factors by contributing to the delivery service. On the other hand, the second role is to justify and inform the policy and development program and the implementation for public participation, e-governance and good governance resulting in the effective service delivery. E-government Service Delivery Infrastructure Proposal E-government has become the global or the international phenomena. Over the last decade, there have been some great as well as significant innovations in the e-government. Most of the governments of several countries over the world have developed the detailed strategies to realize their programmes of e-government (Luftman et al., 2013). The objectives of these particular programmes generally vary over the countries, still there are many commonalities. The proper implementation of e-government strategy or the e-government service delivery infrastructure can be significant for the establishment of the imaginary developing country. In other words, it can also be stated that the e-government would be very simple regarding the application of the communication as well as the information technology to all the aspects of the business of the government agencies (Egan, 2013). Therefore, it makes sense in terms of improving the effectiveness as well as the efficiency in the achievement of the o utcomes of the program as well as policy. There are few significant objectives behind the implementation of the proper e-government strategies proposal for a new service for an imaginary developing country. These are as follows: To deliver citizen services as well as integrate the organizational silos over the common channels To design the technology architecture such as standards, data as well as infrastructure for the public sector. To map the path from the pilot experiments towards the scalable as well as sustainable systems. To generate the savings with the help of the application of the IIT in the backend processes or the other areas of programs. To handle the enhancing or the incrementing costs of the IIT in the government To enhance or maximize the effectiveness of the initiatives of ICT within the government. To implement the institutional frameworks as well as right policy from the beginning To pursue the real or the actual goals of the economic development just not technology push. There are few significant e-government service delivery structure within its infrastructure which would be effective for the implementation of the new service for an Imaginery developing country (Beloglazov et al., 2014). These are as follows: Process One This particular process incorporates the definition of the vision as well as the goals, setting up the taskforce of high level leadership, ensuring consistency with the priorities of the economic development, assessing the status as well as securing the political support (Schnoll, 2015). Process two - This particular process incorporates putting in place e-government management framework, assessing the needs for priority for the government services, secure funding, establishing the partnerships with the private sector where feasible as well as designing service delivery, data sharing as well as the technical infrastructure (Alford O'Flynn, 2012). Process three - This particular process incorporates the development of the plan of time-bound implementation, security of the stakeholder buy-in of the plan of implementation, strategy implementation in phases, publicizing and measuring progress as well as evaluating results and making the corrections in the course (Merrill et al., 2014). Suggestions into Integrating User Needs into the Service Design The proper as well as the effective integration of the user requirements into the service design of the government agencies is very important and crucial as well. Therefore, in order to accomplish an effective service design, three major suggestions should be maintained as well as followed. These are as follows: Customer feedback In order to gain a positive customer feedback, it is important to properly incorporate the elements continuous improvements, account management as well as customer intelligence (Khosa, 2015). Therefore, it must be stated that user needs can be integrated into the service design if the positive customer feedback can be achieved with the help of the incorporation of the service design elements. Operations review Operation review is the major or the crucial checkpoint of management, which should be occurred at the specified intervals aligned normally to the period of measurement stipulated in the Service Level Agreement as well as the Operating Level Agreement documents (Erickson Glazer, 2015). Therefore, it can act as the crucial suggestion, which is necessary to be accomplished for integrating the needs of the user into the service design. Service Quality It can be considered as the important or the key suggestion for the integration of the necessities of the users into the service design. The service quality simply incorporates the performance, process as well as the strategic management systems. This process design or this strategy is the basic towards the design of the entire model of service management (Reddick Turner, 2012). Therefore, with the help of providing a good service quality, the clients can get help for fulfilling their mission and supporting them in the pursuit of the organizational purpose of them. Conclusion After conducting the entire discussion in this particular report, it can easily be stated that this report has successfully identified all the crucial as well as the key factors in the service delivery for the government agencies. On the other hand, three important recommendations have also been successfully established in this study through which issues associated with the service delivery can be mitigated. Apart from that, this report has also successfully deployed an e-government service delivery infrastructure with the help of which the new service for an imaginary developing country can be implemented. Moreover, the three suggestions provided in this report those are the key processes or the strategies through which the user needs can be integrated into the service design. References Alford, J., O'Flynn, J. (2012).Rethinking public service delivery: Managing with external providers. Palgrave Macmillan. Beloglazov, A., Banerjee, D., Hartman, A., Buyya, R. (2014). Improving Productivity in Design and Development of Information Technology (IT) Service Delivery Simulation Models.Journal of Service Research, 1094670514541002. Brown, T. L., Potoski, M., Van Slyke, D. M. (2015). The impact of transaction costs on the use of mixed service delivery by local governments.Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation,1(4), 239-267. Demydov, I. V., Strykhalyuk, B. M., Shpur, O. M., Mohamed, M. E. H., Klymash, Y. V. (2015). The structural-functional synthesis of cloud service delivery platform after service availability and performance criteria. , (1), 144-159. Egan, G. (2013).The skilled helper: A problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. Cengage Learning. Erickson, R., Glazer, S. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,009,058. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Gabris, G. T., Koenig, H. O., Thurmaier, K., Maher, C. S., Nelson, K. L., Piker, K. A., ... Rapp, C. (2014).Alternative Service Delivery: Readiness Check. Icma Publishing. Khosa, M. M. (2015).Empowerment through service delivery. Human Sciences Research Council. Luftman, J., Zadeh, H. S., Derksen, B., Santana, M., Rigoni, E. H., Huang, Z. D. (2013). Key information technology and management issues 20122013: an international study.Journal of Information Technology,28(4), 354-366. Merrill, J., Dai, H., Zhu, J., Kapur, S., Banerjee, S., Elder, D., ... Medved, J. (2014).U.S. Patent No. 8,892,708. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Papadomichelaki, X., Mentzas, G. (2012). e-GovQual: A multiple-item scale for assessing e-government service quality.Government information quarterly,29(1), 98-109. Papadomichelaki, X., Koutsouris, V., Konstantinidis, D., Mentzas, G. (2013). An analytic hierarchy process for the evaluation of E-Government service quality.International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR),9(1), 19-44. Reddick, C. G., Turner, M. (2012). Channel choice and public service delivery in Canada: Comparing e-government to traditional service delivery.Government Information Quarterly,29(1), 1-11. Schnoll, H. J. (2015).E-government: Information, technology, and transformation. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Reduce crime free essay sample

There are many methods in which crime can be reduced in America, many of which six stand out the most. Incarceration, policing, social programs, living area, unemployment benefits, less jobs. Yes less jobs because with people not having jobs people stay at home acting as guards for their properties and belongings. There are many different programs in which the community can get involved in to help better protect their communities. There are many typed of jobs that the police departments can have to serve their community which in turn leads to them lowering crime activity. The government also provides really god programs in which they give help to the people of lesser income. This causes them to not have to resort to theft and do crimes which can lead them to end up in prison. There are 3,365 jails in America, that’s not counting state and federal prisons. Incarceration is one of the main reasons in which crime is down because, criminals are afraid of going to jail or prison. We will write a custom essay sample on Reduce crime or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On average 3,000 people go to jail a day in the US. The thought of prison should make people stop committing crimes. People who go to jail usually end up serving 85% of the time you are sentenced and that’s if you’re lucky. If you’re getting sent to a federal prison that’s a whole different story, good luck! There are many programs which the government provides the people of America which helps family with low income. Some of these programs are WIC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, these are some of the most common ones in which most low income family apply for. These programs in a way help lower the need for these families to struggle economically. These program helps lower crime because this provides families with financial help, which marks the necessity for people to steal or commit crimes to gain more money to support themselves and their loved ones. The police department does a tremendous job in reducing crime in the US. Just by having their presence seen in and around the community. They too also have many programs in which they reduce crime. This can just consist of them just having more patrol out patrolling. This makes the community and potential criminals think about what they’re going to do. With the help of the community the police can impact the levels of crime by a lot. The community can help the police department by contacting the police with any information of crimes or with tips of anything that can improve the community. The people of the community are the ones who really prevent crimes. Police officers are called to the crime scene when the crime has already occurred, police officers are responders. The people of the community are really the people who can and do prevent crimes. The community are the eyes and ears of all the things that occur in and around the community, they’re the ones who know of stuff even before the police does. This is why the community helps keep the community safe. Many people can make citizen arrests which in a way makes all of us police officers, just without the badge and uniform. With people having less jobs or having to be laid off, more people tend to stay at home, which in turn makes them protect their belongings and properties. Yes not having a job is a bad thing because there’s no money being made, but in the other had your protecting the stuff you care about the most. Without knowing people that could have of been robbed are not being robbed because they making themselves be seen staying at home for most of the day now. All in all common people are the ones who help bring down crime in the US. Ordinary people are the one who are affected the most but are also the ones who can help prevent it. Everyone can do their part in reporting the crimes they have witnessed or that has happened to them. Although the government provides great programs in which they can help people provide for their families, people shouldn’t abuse the governments help. Police department do their part in helping the community but still they are just responders the will of making a better community or having a better community falls to the people living in those communities.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The making of a torturer essays

The making of a torturer essays How have various social psychological perspectives sought to explain the making of a torturer? OByrne (2003, p.192) Torture is an unlawful and immoral act which pain and suffering is inflicted upon a human being for many purposes, one of them being to extract information. There are a number of torture methods which are commonly used even today and this raises the question why and how torturers are brought about, which social and psychological factors contribute towards the making of a torturer and how do these factors explain it altogether? Although the impulse for aggression and destruction is part of a basic human instinct (OByrne 2003, p. 181) there are a number of theories that attempt to explain the making of a torturer such as Adornos theory of the authoritarian personality, Milgrams theory of obedience, and Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance in the studies by OByrne (2003 p.181). Adorno identified the authoritarian personality type as having these characteristics; the authoritarian personality does not want to give orders, their personality type wants to take orders. People with this type of personality seek conformity, security and stability. (Rebecca Riehm 2000, p007). This theory might help to explain the making of a torturer in a way that they are easily manipulated into performing the act as they tend to get anxious and insecure when events or circumstances modify or upset their previously existing world view. While a torturer might be a result of a social construction, studies were made into the willingness of people to inflict pain upon others. It is common for torturers to justify their actions as merely the carrying out of orders (OByrne 2003 p.182). An Example of this would be the torturing of the Iraqi soldiers by American soldiers in the Iraq war. One s ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project proposal - Assignment Example So, considering the changes in the needs and demands of the consumers, the retailer has planned to expand its market. This strategy is basically a market expansion strategy that has developed to increase its market size or market share among all the competitors. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: A project is defined as a onetime process rather than an ongoing process (Pinto, 2010). Setting up the website for online buying will be a onetime process. One of the objectives of the project is that the company wants to create an online buying environment that caters to the needs of the target market of online buyers in Australia. In the period of first six months after implementation of this project of online buying facility the company would target to achieve an increase in the revenue of the retail store by 20%. JUSTIFICATION AND MOTIVATION: With the concept of globalization a large number of logical and virtual organizations have come into existence and these online firms have achieved great success in a very short time period. Thousands of new service organizations have been developed and are operating through their websites in the international market and are using their website to target consumers (Reuben, 2012). By analyzing the feasibility of the new explored market many big or medium firms have developed their online stores or websites to capture the new market with the existing product and services. One more important reason for developing an online store is the cheapest and easiest way to enter in the international market. The changing environment and consumer buying behavior have forced many retailers to have their online stores (Nielsen, 2010) and therefore Mensland has also decided to build its online existence through website development along with the physical existence in the Australia market. This is actually for those customers who do not want to visit the retail stores for buying the goods and prefer the buying from any place and goods can be delivered at their door step. This project aims to provide an easy shopping environment to the customers. The project would be helpful in expanding the market and it would be a great chance to increase the market share along with the market growth and get the competitive advantage. PROJECT SCOPE: The project started with the objective of targeting the online buyers of the Australia as the consumer buying behavior is changing with the passage of time and there has been an increase in the online buying trend (The Telegraph, 2012). For this project, the retailer would design the idea and concept of the website and then find any particular and expert team or individual that can translate the idea into an online store. Once the online store is ready and the retailer would start its online marketing to engage consumers from different parts of the world. The retailer will be looking to increase its revenue by 10% in the period of first six months after the website has been launched. IDENTIFICATION AND MANAG EMENT OF RISK: Risk is an important aspect of every project that needs to be considered (Hamilton, 2004). These risks are to be managed properly to ensure the success of the project (Morris, 2008). Major risks of the project are as follows: 1- The cost of the website development can exceed from the budget. Therefore it is important to have sufficient budget and ensure that the website has important features available at that budget. 2- Competitor can enter in the online consumer

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Religions in American Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religions in American - Research Paper Example For instance, bodily illnesses that characterize Wilson’s mother health, which almost prove to her young daughter otherwise contrary to what she has grew up believing (Wilson 87). In most cases, these predicaments and numerous mysteries, which young people cannot comprehend when they come of age, prompt them to lose their faith and abandon creeds, which they grew up believing. Hence, result to embracing other new modes of creeds that seem to offer them the necessary immediate comfort or answers to what is puzzling them (Wilson 87). This study seeks to expound much about varied stages of developments as well as certain life’s issues that prompt one to change what he or she has all through since childhood believed (Wilson 87). Spiritual life is barely discussed in early childhood development (Gordon & Kathryn 502). Little consideration on religion development psychologically on a child leads to a person who advocates for secular and humanist perspective of human behavior (Antonia 25). Participation in religious activities is thought to be a way of avoiding numerous society vices for instance, adolescent pregnancy, drug and substance abuse as well as self-esteem among children (Antonia 25). There are varied reasons why parents tend to ensure their children associate themselves with the religion they believe and see is best for their spiritual development (Antonia, 25). For instance, some parents claim that without a shared religion between the parents and children, a child will fail to feel and enjoy the connection with his or her family. Children tend to deal with religion in varied ways at diverse stages of their development. In this case, it is significant for the parents to ensure their children associ ate themselves with specific religions from a tender age but as they grow, the parents should tolerate different views from their children towards certain denominations or regions, which they may seem to have interest in based on their understanding (Antonia, 25). Mostly, this occurs because as the children grow they tend to realize that norms, beliefs and faith associated with the religion they were introduced to at their early childhood, are absurd and cannot apply in the their daily lives (Wilson 344). As they also grow, they meet and interact themselves with varied people of diverse creeds in places like schools or work, hence get influenced towards certain creeds or denominations. The child may find the new religion, which parents introduced them is in accordance to their besides other norms. Based on James Fowler’s stages of faith theory, stage I Intuitive-Projective faith is the fantasy-filled, and is imitative phase. In this level, the child can be powerfully and perm anently influenced by examples, moods, actions or stories of the visible faith (Neuman, 44). This is via interacting with the adults who influences their behaviors and what they seem to hold as true in their lives (Neuman, 44). This stage usually occurs among the children aged between three to seven years and encompasses unending thoughts patterns by the child (Neuman 44). In this stage, the child usually develops mutual relationship with the caregiver (Neuman 45). The quality of relations and teachings of religion passed in this stage tend to affect one’s future religiously (Neuman 48). In league with forms of knowing dominated by perception, imagination in this stage is extremely productive of long-lasting images and feelings (positive and negative) that later, more stable and self-reflective valuing and thinking will have to order and sort out (Neuman 46). This is the stage of first

Monday, November 18, 2019

Professional development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Professional development - Essay Example Part 2 (1) Reflection on the nature of professionalism required in chosen career The chosen career is related to the management consultancy; the nature of professionalism required in the specific career will be depended on the following criteria: a) the personal skills and capabilities – as revealed through appropriately customized self-assessment questionnaires and through the feedback of colleagues and friends; b) the conditions of the target market, meaning the requirements set by employers for the specific job position, as these requirements have been identified though job adverts and the websites of organizations supporting the professional development of employees in the particular industry and c) the responses of the environment, as they have been estimated by reviewing relevant literature. In any case, reference should be made primarily to professionalism, as a framework that can influence the performance on the chosen career. In accordance with a definition published by the Oxford Dictionary online, the term professionalism is used in order to show â€Å"the competence or skill expected of a professional: the key to quality and efficiency is professionalism† (Oxford Dictionary online, 2011). In the chosen career, professionalism is expected to have certain form, which will be related to a series of different criteria, such as values, ethics, attitude, knowledge and so on. These criteria/ elements of professionalism can be identified primarily through the literature published in the particular field. Then, additional evidence can be used in order to verify the effectiveness of the literature findings – referring to the studies focusing on the examination and the evaluation of professionalism as a key element for the successful performance of individuals in the workplace. It should be noted that the term ‘professionalism’ in consultancy might include different elements and respond to different needs compared to other car eer paths (Rhoton et al. 2001). In any case, the professional development cannot be completed before the entrance in the workplace; this means, that the period of study and training – as a preparatory phase before applying for a particular position – cannot fully support the professional development of an individual (Hristozova, 2006). Through another approach Scott (2000) made clear that professional development is continuous, being similar to the self-development which is likely to be continuous; thus, professional development, as an aspect of self-development, need also to be continuous securing the improvement of the employee’s position within his organization. The skills of consultants, which would help them to develop a high level of professionalism, can be retrieved through the literature published on the specific field. In accordance with Margerison (2011, p.31) the key advantage of consultants would be the self-organizing, i.e. their ability to categori ze and appropriately evaluated the material related to a specific social/ scientific area (see Table 1, Appendix). On the other hand, Niewiem (2005) noted that the most important skill of consultants would be their interaction ability (meaning the ability to communicate with others and use appropriate evidence for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Helicopter Experiment: Speed of Fall

Helicopter Experiment: Speed of Fall Hend Darwish Research Question: At what speed will the helicopter fall by adding more paper clips to its base (the bottom)? Variables: Independent Variable: Amount of paper clips Dependent Variable: Speed Constant: Same Helicopter Same Timer Same height (2m) Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the more paper clips added to the base of the helicopter, the speed will increase. I think this will happen because gravity will pull the helicopter down and the opposite force (air resistance), which is acting on the wings will get weaker because the wings will fold upwards. This will cause less for the air resistance to act on which will cause the speed to increase. Method: For our helicopter lab, we first measured two meters on the wall so we have will drop the helicopter at the same place. Then, Eliah will drop the helicopter and Holly will time how long it takes with the stopwatch. We repeated this step for three mores tests and with two, three, four, five and six paperclips attached to the base. Then, we found the average speed of each paperclip and recorded our results into a graph. To make our test a fair test, we made sure its the same person timing and dropping the helicopter. Also, we always dropped the helicopter from two meters. For our safety, we made sure that we are in an empty space so we dont bump into anyone or the paper helicopter doesnt go on someones head. Also, we made sure that we are not next to any chemicals or flamed Bunsen burner so when we pick up our helicopter, it wont catch on fire or be covered by any chemicals that could harm us. Apparatus: 1 Paper Helicopter Stopwatch 100cm ruler 6 paperclips Diagram: Data Collection: Amount of Paper Clips on a Helicopter The amount of paper-clips on the helicopter Time taken for the helicopter to fall a distance of two meters (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean Speed (m/s) 1 1.38 1.68 1.31 1.45 1.38 2 1.22 1.40 1.19 1.27 1.57 3 1.13 1.40 1.30 1.27 1.57 4 1.16 1.0 1.09 1.05 1.9 5 .96 1.30 .84 1.03 1.94 6 .63 .53 .81 .65 3.08 Data Processing: Table of Amount of Paper Clips Affect the Average Speed of the Paper Helicopter The amount of paper-clips on the helicopter Time taken for the helicopter to fall a distance of two meters (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean Average Speed (m/s) 1 1.38 1.68 1.31 1.45 1.38 2 1.22 1.40 1.19 1.27 1.57 3 1.13 1.40 1.30 1.27 1.57 4 1.16 1.0 1.09 1.05 1.9 5 .96 1.30 .84 1.03 1.94 6 .63 .53 .81 .65 3.08 To get the mean, you have to add the three trials together then divide it by three. For example: 1.83 + 1.68 + 1.31 =4.37 4.37 / 3 = 1.45 To get the speed, you have to divide 2 by the mean of the three trials. For example: 2 / 1.45 = 1.38 2 / 1.27 = 1.57 Data Presentation: Conclusion: According to our graph our hypothesis was correct: The more paper clips added to the base of our helicopter the more the speed will increase. Our data corresponds with the line of best fit really well up until our last data point which was 6 paper clips and was 3.08s. It is much higher than all the other points, I think this one particular piece of data is unreliable because it dose not correspond to the rest of the data as well as the graph. This may be because our timing methods when timing the last one was different then the rest of our graph. To make sure that this would be an accurate experiment, we did three trials for each paper clip(s) and then calculated the mean and speed. Evaluation:      Ã‚   Our Method was reliable and extremely accurate because for each amount of paper clip, we had three trials so we could create an average speed. Also, we used the same person for timer and the dropper of the paper helicopter. If I could re-do the experiment, I would have made the height higher, such as 3-4m so we could have more accurate readings.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nonverbal Communication and Cultural Differences Essay -- Cultural Dif

Nonverbal communication has always played an important role in the entire communication process. It may include gestures, kinesics, haptics and other means, which a person incorporates into the communication process. These acts make the communication process more effective and meaningful. However, nonverbal communication is highly influenced by cultural differences as the context of the culture defines how the message is interpreted. This essay will analyse several types of nonverbal communication such as proxemics, haptics, kinesics, semiotics and paralinguistic. It will also analyse the messages conveyed by these nonverbal communication types in different cultures and their impact on the non-verbal communication process in relative cultural contexts. Culture has always been a driving force in understanding nonverbal communication as nonverbal communication is highly influenced by the cultural differences as the context of the culture defines how the communication/message is interpreted in certain cultures. â€Å"Communication occurs within a context but the context is particularly important in relation to non-verbal communication† (Tyler, Kossen & Ryan, 2005, p.185). Culture defines the messages perceived by the non-verbal communication. For instance, proxemics. â€Å"Proxemics refers to the spatial relationship or how we use space.† (Tyler, Kossen & Ryan, 2005, p.190) Culture plays an important role in defining the use of one’s personal space in the nonverbal communication process. For example, in North America people usually remain at a distance from one another when talking while Latin American people stay very close when talking. (Wood, 2009). This defines the use of the privacy or personal space in t wo different cultures. H... ... Body Politics, power, sex, and nonverbal communication, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Julia T. Wood. (2009). Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters, 6th Edition, Wadsworth Publishing. Knapp, M.L. & Hall, J.A. (2001). Nonverbal communication in human action, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Marshall, C, Rossman, Gretchen B, (2006). Designing qualitative research, 4th edition, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Morris, Desmond. 1994. Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks. Patterson. M.L. (1983). Nonverbal behaviour: A functional prospective, 1st Edition, Springer Peter Hartley, (1993). Interpersonal Communication, 2nd Edition, Routledge. "Cultural  Differences  in  Non ­verbal  Communication" Web.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Judy Baca’s Art for Peace Essay

Making connections: Judy Baca’s Art for Peace. Change: According to Baca, â€Å"Adversity breeds a certain kind of strength† Do you agree? Give an example to support your opinion. Is it really true that what does not kill you makes you stronger? I do believe so. Maybe when people face a problem it does not makes too much sense in the near future, however it will do. The story that Baca’s grandmother told her when she was a girl is an example of how sometimes people is not able to overcome problems, nevertheless this does not implies that this happens all the time. It is common to appreciate how people become pessimist and often depressive when adversity meet their lives. According to Seery (2011) â€Å"†¦ some theory and empirical evidence suggest that the experience of facing difficulties can also promote benefits in the form of greater propensity for resilience when dealing with subsequent stressful situations. † (p. 90) Mark Seery carried a study in which followed 2,398 subjects for a span of three years, he found that there is a balance of adverse life experiences: some adversity seems to make us stronger than those with a life of either no adverse life experiences or many serious struggles. The study concluded that those people who had experienced a lot of adversity had poorer outcomes, on average, than people who reporte d no history of adversity – they were more depressed and anxious, were less satisfied with their lives, and were more likely to have physical or emotional problems that interfered with their ability to work and socialize. Every day, all the time we meet or we know stories of people who had to endure physical abuse, who was exposed to homelessness, or those who had faced natural disaster of physical limitations. A well-known story is the Nick VuJicic’s story. He was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. He was born without limbs. By the age of eight he was already depressed and by the age often he decided to end his life by drowning himself in a bathtub. After a couple attempts, he realized that he did not want to leave his loved ones with the burden and guilt that would result from his suicide. He had spoken on motivational topics after creating the company, attitude is altitude. He also launched a non-profit ministry, life without limbs, to spread his messages of faith and hope around the world. Finally, seems like Nietzche was right, what does not kill you makes you stronger. No matter what type of difficulties a erson could have face, always we have the chance of learning of them and breed strength.

Friday, November 8, 2019

La licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Illinois

La licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Illinois    Illinois es uno de los estados que permiten a los  los indocumentados  sacar la licencia de manejar. Estos son los requisitos y los pasos que debes seguir.   Esta licencia de manejar recibe el nombre de Licencia Temporal para Visitantes y se le conoce como TVDL, sus siglas en inglà ©s. Paso 1:  Reunir la documentacià ³n necesaria Se necesita probar: Nombre y fecha de nacimientoVeracidad de tu firmaDomicilio actualResidencia en el estado de Illinois por al menos doce mesesCambio de nombre, si lo hubo, como por ejemplo en casos de matrimonio Nombre y fecha de nacimiento Es obligatorio tener UNO de los siguientes documentos: Pasaporte del paà ­s de uno que no puede estar expiradoTarjeta consular de Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala o Mà ©xico. Si eres de otro paà ­s y tu consulado tambià ©n emite una tarjeta consular, verificar con la Policà ­a del Estado de Illinois si la acepta como prueba de identidad. Firma UNO de los siguientes documentos sirve para probar la veracidad de tu firma: Certificado de chà ³fer cooperativo (Cooperative Driver Certificate)Contrato de hipotecaContrato de prà ©stamo a plazosI.D. emitido por el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos o por un estado o una entidad local oficial.Licencia de manejar de otro estado que no està © expiradaOrden de una corte en la que conste tu firmaPasaporte de tu paà ­s sin expirarTarjeta consularTarjeta de crà ©dito tipo Amex, Visa o Master CardTarjeta electoral mexicana Domicilio actual Debes probar que has vivido en tu vivienda actual por al menos 90 dà ­as (tres meses) con anterioridad al dà ­a en que haces la aplicacià ³n para la cita para la licencia de manejar. Por ejemplo, si te has mudado a tu domicilio actual el 24 de septiembre de este aà ±o, debes esperar hasta el 23 de diciembre para poder aplicar.   Es obligatorio que tengas DOS  de los siguientes documentos en el que de algà ºn modo conste tu direccià ³n actual: Calificaciones escolares o de la universidad (report card)Carta que te ha enviado una universidad o collegeCarta que te ha enviado una institucià ³n oficial del gobierno federal, estatal, del condado o localContrato de alquiler (rentar) de la vivienda (lease)Contrato de hipoteca o de compra de la viviendaDeclaracià ³n sobre pensiones o jubilacionesExtracto bancario (bank statement)Facturas mà ©dicas o declaracià ³n de beneficios sanitarios.  Factura del servicio de agua, basura, gas, electricidad, telà ©fono o cable (utility bills)Factura de haber pagado la cuota de la universidad o collegePà ³liza de seguro como propietario de la vivienda o como inquilino de la misma (tenant)Recibo de exencià ³n tributaria sobre la vivienda principal (homestead exemption receipt)Reporte sobre tu historial de crà ©dito emitido por Equifax, Experia o TransunionTarjeta consularTarjeta del servicio selectivoTranscripciones escolares, que tienen que estar certificadas Si ahora no tienes dos de esos documentos, examina cules puedes conseguir y solicà ­talos. Recuerda que hasta que transcurran 90 dà ­as desde la fecha que va a figurar en los mismos no puedes utilizarlos para probar que efectivamente vives en la vivienda que dices que es  tu domicilio actual. Probar residencia en el estado de Illinois Tienes que demostrar que has vivido en Illinois por al menos doce meses (un aà ±o) antes de aplicar para la licencia. Para ello tienes que tener UNO de los siguientes documentos: Calificaciones escolares o transcripciones, en este caso certificadasCorreo oficialEscritura de compra de la vivienda, alquiler o hipotecaFacturas mà ©dicas o de declaracià ³n de beneficiosFacturas de pago de cuotas universitariasPensià ³n o jubilacià ³nPà ³liza de seguro como inquilino de una vivienda o como propietarioRecibo de exencià ³n tributaria para vivienda (homestead exemption receipt)Utility bill de la electricidad, basura, gas, telà ©fono, cable, etc.    Si llevas ms de un aà ±o viviendo en la misma casa, la misma factura de la luz, por ejemplo, sirve para probar residencia en el estado por ms de 365 dà ­as y tambià ©n residencia actual. Para asegurarte lleva contigo a la cita una factura antigua y otra reciente. Cambio de nombre Si por cualquier razà ³n como por ejemplo, por matrimonio, el nombre actual y el que figura en tu pasaporte o en tu tarjeta consular no coinciden debers probar el cambio de nombre o apellido mediante UNO de los siguientes documentos: una orden judicialcertificado de matrimonio Segundo paso: concertar una cita Una vez que te has asegurado que tienes todos los documentos y que cumples los plazos (particularmente el de haber vivido en Illinois por los à ºltimos doce meses), entonces debes hacer dos trmites: En la actualidad en todas las oficinas excepto Chicago North y Chicago West se puede ir sin concertar una cita previa. Sin embargo para Chicago North y Chicago West sà ­ es necesario y se hace: Marcando al telà ©fono gratuito 855-236-1155 o por internet. Sà ³lo se puede hacer para uno de las  oficinas del Departamento de Vehà ­culos de Motor especialmente designadas para manejar las peticiones de licencias TVDL.Rellenar la  planilla de verificacià ³n de residencia. Se trata de hacer constar el historial de dà ³nde has vivido en los à ºltimos doce meses. (Cuando se renueve la licencia, dentro de tres aà ±os, ya no ser necesario hacerlo, ya que sà ³lo es un requisito para cuando se solicita por primera vez). Tener en cuenta que en la actualidad no puede acudir a las oficinas para este trmite ni en los dà ­as sbado ni en los dà ­as domingo. Tercer  paso: preparar la cita Antes de acudir a la oficina debes asegurarte: de que tu vista est bien o que tienes los lentes correctosde que te has estudiado para el examen teà ³rico de la licencia de manejar. En la pgina oficial del Departamento de Vehà ­culos a motor puedes descargar gratis el libro para que si no sabes conducir, has tomado las clases suficientes para poder pasar el examen prctico. Los menores de 20 aà ±os necesariamente tienen que haber ido a una  autoescuela. Cuatro paso: en la oficina del Departamento de Vehà ­culos de Motor Esto es lo que va a pasar: Un empleado examinar que llevas toda la documentacià ³n necesaria. Si es asà ­, te dar un nà ºmero y esperars por tu turnoCuando te llamen un empleado examinar de nuevo los documentos e introducir los datos en la computadoraFirmars la aplicacià ³n y, junto con los documentos presentados, ser todo escaneadoPagars $30 por la tramitacià ³n de la licencia de manejar y $5 si deseas que tambià ©n sea vlida para manejar motosSe te tomar una foto y firmars en un aparato para que quede constancia digital de tu firmaTe harn un examen de visià ³nTomars el examen escrito. Puede ser en inglà ©s, espaà ±ol o incluso en otros idiomasTomars el examen prctico de manejar en carreteraSi has aprobado se te dar un recibo que sirve como constancia de haber hecho todo el proceso pero que no sirve para manejar.   Como puedes imaginar, todo eso va a llevar su tiempo, por lo que es mejor que ese dà ­a no tengas prisa. Quinto paso: la licencia Empleados del estado verificarn que toda la informacià ³n y documentacià ³n que les has dado es la correcta. Sà ³lo en ese caso se proceder a imprimir tu licencia de manejar que te llegar por correo en el plazo de entre quince y veinte dà ­as laborales. Si la licencia no es aprobada recibirs una carta explicando el motivo, quà © debes hacer, si es que puedes hacer algo y un nà ºmero de telà ©fono para solicitar ms informacià ³n. Con la licencia en mano tienes que saber que: Es un permiso para manejar que es de carcter temporal, igual al que el estado emite desde el aà ±o 2005 a los inmigrantes o visitantes legales que no tienen un nà ºmero de seguro  social. Por ejemplo, familiares de titulares de ciertas visas de trabajo temporal. La TVDL sà ³lo es vlida si tienes tambià ©n un seguro de auto. Es un requisito indispensable. Estas licencias son de un color distinto a las que se emiten, por ejemplo, para ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales. Sern vlidas por un periodo de tres aà ±os. 90 dà ­as antes de su fecha de expiracià ³n debers renovarla.   La TVDL  no est diseà ±ada para ser utilizada como identificacià ³n. Por lo tanto no se podr utilizar para abrir una cuenta de banco o para volar, ya que no se admitir en el aeropuerto como un I.D. Tampoco se podrn usar para comprar un arma ni, por supuesto, para votar. Incluso antes de manejar en otro estado habr que verificar si es posible, ya que depender del lugar. A tener en cuenta Si tienes una licencia de manejar que conseguiste con un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social falso el procedimiento a seguir es llamar a la oficina del fraude al 217-782-7604. Se har una investigacià ³n y no podrs manejar por doce meses. Despuà ©s de esa suspensià ³n podrs aplicar por una licencia temporal para indocumentados. En un principio, las autoridades del Departamento de Vehà ­culos a Motor no comparten la informacià ³n con ninguna otra agencia del gobierno, y en eso se incluye inmigracià ³n. Pero si reciben una peticià ³n legà ­tima para que compartan informacià ³n, la darn. Si tienes una licencia internacional de manejar, ten cuidado porque puede que sea un fraude y no sirva para manejar. Si se tiene una licencia del paà ­s de uno, à ©sta sà ³lo se puede utilizar legalmente por 90 dà ­as a contar desde el dà ­a que se comenzà ³ a residir en Illinois. Finalmente, en el primer aà ±o en el que se autorizà ³ a los indocumentados en Illinois sacar la licencia de manejar, se aprobaron aproximadamente unas 85 mil. Sin embargo, se hicieron 190 mil solicitudes. Esto quiere decir que hubo muchos casos en los que no se aprobaron.   Para evitar estos problemas asegurarse de que realmente se cumplen los requisitos. Si no, ser negada. Derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados Las leyes del salario mà ­nimo tambià ©n aplica a los indocumentados. Entà ©rate de cul es el pago por hora en tu estado, cules son las excepciones y quà © se puede hacer si no te pagan lo que te corresponde de acuerdo a la ley. Finalmente, es muy conveniente informarse sobre aspectos que afectan muy directamente a la comunidad de migrantes indocumentados, como por ejemplo, las posibilidades reales de regularizacià ³n de la situacià ³n y otros temas que afectan a los inmigrantes sin papeles como las nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n por orden ejecutiva de Trump. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How does an increased surface area change the time taken for a mass to fall Essays

How does an increased surface area change the time taken for a mass to fall Essays How does an increased surface area change the time taken for a mass to fall Essay How does an increased surface area change the time taken for a mass to fall Essay The aim of this investigation is to find out how the change in surface area changes the time for a mass to fall at certain heights.To do this, I am going to use a large cup cake as a mass with a large surface area and a small cup to be the mass with a small surface area. They are going to both be the same mass to make this a fair test. The cup cakes are dropped at given heights and the time period will be the tine taken for it to reach the ground from when it starts to fall. With this, we can look at the times to see what affects the change in surface area has with a given mass.In my preliminary experiment, I am going to determine what mass is going to used, the minimum and maximum heights at which the cup cakes are going to be dropped for both and create a graph of the range of results to approximately know what range of results I should come up with when I am actually doing the experiment. The graph will determine what generally happens whilst the cup cakes fall and will show the a ffects that the different surface area has on them.Preliminary Work showing which variables we can study.Height (cm)Large cup cake Time to fall (seconds)Small cup cake Time to fall (seconds)123Average123Average600.650.750.630.680.480.590.580.55801. this preliminary experiment, I have determined the minimum and maximum height at which the cup cakes are going to be dropped from and the mass of both cup cakes. It seems from these results; the higher the cup cakes are dropped at, the longer the time for it to reach the ground. The results seem reasonable at the mass we did this experiment at which was 0.33g. With this mass, it seems that it did not drop too fast or too slow. From looking at my preliminary resu lts, I have come up with my final variables:Maximum height = 260.00cmMinimum height =50.00cmMass of cup cake = 0.33g (for both cup cakes to make fair test)PredictionMy prediction is that the larger the surface area is, the longer the time will be taken for the mass to reach the ground. Also the object will accelerate until it reaches a constant velocity, where it will drop at approximately (with experimental error) the same velocity but this constant velocity will change for both cup cakes due to the its surface area. The larger cup cake with the larger surface area will drop with a slower constant velocity so therefore it will reach the floor in longer time periods. The small cup cake with the smaller surface area will reach the floor in a shorter time due to its surface area being smaller, therefore having a larger constant velocity. On the graph I will expect a little curve showing the acceleration of both cup cakes but will quickly end up in a straight line until it reaches the bottom. The gradient of the smaller cup cake will be steeper than the larger one due to its greater constant velocity. The scientific explanation is explained below.Background theoryTo explain what happens, we must use scientific evidence to prove this. First we must know about Newtons third law:Resultant force = Mass x Acceleration (f = m.a)In this experiment, mass is kept constant so it cannot affect the resultant force. This means the only variable to change the resultant force is acceleration. Therefore for the resultant force to increase, the acceleration of the cup cakes must increase. When the cup cake starts to fall at the very start, its resistance is 0.00N. The smaller cup cake will have a higher acceleration because due to its smaller surface area, it will have less friction in the air and higher resultant force. The air particles in the air collide with the cup cake as it falls down and if fewer particles are colliding with the cup cake, then it will have a higher accele ration, faster velocity and higher resultant force. As the air resistance increases, it will eventually equal the resultant force of the cup cake and will fall at a constant velocity. This is because air resistance increases with increase of velocity. This is known as terminal velocity. The small cup cake with a smaller surface area will fall at a faster terminal velocity because its air resistance (friction) is less great and therefore its acceleration is faster and so resultant force will be greater.Terminal velocity is achieved by Newtons 1st law: Balanced forces do not affect the movement of an object: it remains stationary. But in this case Newton also says if the object is already moving it continues to move at the same speed and in the same direction.Apparatus* Two 100.00cm rulers* 2.00g of plasticene* A large cup cake* A small cup cake* A stop watch* A Balance (to measure mass of cup cakes for fair test to 2 d.p.)* Sellotape* Right angled set squareMethod* Get all apparatus as listed above* Using a right angled triangle to make sure the ruler is 900 to the ground, place one 100cm ruler up against the wall and attach it to the wall firmly using sellotape.* Using the right angled triangle again, firmly attach the other 100cm ruler on top of the other 100cm to the wall using sellotape. The right angled triangle is used to keep the rulers at right angles to the ground so no anomalous results appear due to the rulers not being straight.* Place the large cup cake on the balance. It will be lighter then 0.33g. To make it to 0.33g which I am going to use for both cup cakes, add a little bit of plasticene at a time until it reaches 0.33g* Do the same as above but with the smaller cup cake to make it a fair test with both cup cakes being the same mass at 0.33g.* Remember to find the mass of the cup cakes each time before it is dropped to make sure it is a fair test.* Starting from 50.00cm, drop each cup cake 3 times so an average time can be recorded. Use the st opwatch to time how long it takes the cup cake to reach the ground. When dropping the cup cake, make sure it is dropped at exactly 50.0cm each turn by using the right angled set square level to the height. Measure from the bottom of the cup cake. Start the timer when it starts dropping immediately and stop the timer as soon as the bottom of the cup cake reaches the bottom. Each cup cake must be dropped in the same way, with its bottom facing the floor. Make sure the cup cakes are dropped straight and that no winds are affecting the results or any obstacles i.e. the wall and windows open. Record all observations.* Repeat the above up to 240.00cm going up 10.00cm each time and recording all observations. Put all results into a results table.* Make sure it is a fair test.ResultsMass used = 0.33g for both cup cakesHeights = 50.00cm going up 10.00cm to 240.00cm3 results were taken at each height for each cup cake to make an average result.SmallLargeTime (Seconds)Time (Seconds)Height drop ped from (cm)123Average123Average50.000.320.370.250.310.410.500.440.4560.000.430.320.370.370.680.630.630.6570.000.430.340.550.440.690.720.680.7080.000.430.430.320.390.740.810.820.7990.000.350.430.500.430.800.880.890.86100.000.750.530.650.641.010.981.011.00110.000.650.750.720.710.961.071.021.02120.000.780.630.780.731. appears that no anomalous results appeared in my tableAnalysisFrom looking at the graph, it shows that the higher the cup cake is dropped at, the longer the time it takes for it to reach the floor. It seems that from my figures and graph, if height doubles then time does not halve. There is no connection of doubling/halving at all. The large cup cake has taken longer to fall to the ground than the smaller cup as I predicted at given heights. This is because the larger surface area causes more friction with the air particles in the air giving it a larger air resistance. This means that the acceleration would be slower than the smaller cup cake as shown by the less steep curve at the start of the graph. Also the larger air resistance meant that its terminal velocity would be less great and therefore it will reach the ground through a longer period of time. The resultant force of the cup cake is due to this formula:Resultant force = Mass x AccelerationAs the mass is equal for both cup cakes, the only variable will be acceleration. Because of the larger air resistance, its acceleration is not as high and therefore its resultant force will not be high, hence the slower terminal velocity an d then its longer period of time to reach the floor.The terminal velocity is shown by the roughly drawn straight line as shown on graph for both cup cakes. My prediction is correct about this terminal velocity being reached because Newton says: if the object is already moving it continues to move at the same speed and in the same direction. This is made by the air resistance equalling the resultant force of the cup cake. The gradient of the two cup cakes are different. The large cup cake shows its terminal velocity was not as great as the smaller cup cake with its less steep gradient. My prediction proves correct that the larger cup cake was going to fall at a smaller terminal velocity due to its smaller acceleration and there smaller resultant force using the formula F = m.a.The graph also shows at the start the acceleration of the cup cakes were being made by the little curves drawn on the graph. The gradient of the smaller cup cake is steeper which indicates that it had a higher acceleration than that of the larger cup cake, scientifically proven above by its smaller surface area.EvaluationIt seems from my results and the graphs well fitted line that the experiment went very well. The method used does seem to be quite accurate but may be altered to improve the experiment so further investigation can occur. The accuracy of my results do seem pretty good as shown by the good fit of the line on the graph and no anomalous results appearing in graph or table. I do not think more accurate results will alter much of my results but if I wanted to make this experiment even better, I can use apparatus that will measure my results more accurately as I will further explain later.My method does seem to perform the experiment with many precautions as I always checked the constant qualities all the time. Each set of reading was done in the same way, with a right angled triangle to make sure that the bottom of the cup cake was level with the height given, the mass was cons tantly checked, that the cup cake was dropped bottom first and that no interference of wind etc. affected the results.One method that might have altered some results is the reaction time of stopping the timer when the cup cakes hit the floor and also the reaction time to start the clock when it first drops. This may alter some results dramatically but it seems it has not in this investigation but to make it more accurate; we could use sensors to know when it starts dropping and know when it reaches the ground. Starting and stopping the stopwatch with your reaction time of yourself can make the results very inaccurate.Some repeated values were a little bit off than the others but were not that dramatic. This is probably due to the reaction time of starting and stopping the stopwatch as stated above and could be improved. The range of readings may have also been improved by making more readings at the start when the cup cake is first released. This could give more detail and informati on how much more the smaller cup cake accelerates than the larger cup cake. There is no point in making range of readings more than because from using scientific evidence, we know that terminal velocity will carry on until it reaches a halt on the ground. To improve data, more readings may have been taken. Instead of taking readings every 10.00cm, we could have taken readings every 5.00cm to produce more data so we could reinforce our conclusion.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Second year BA Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Second year BA Photography - Essay Example Film and photography are the main medium of art in the contemporary scenario. Besides these, there are access to the internet, email and television. In this paper, the writer attempts to give a brief description on the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. This is one of the works of Walter Benjamin that deals with technology based art production. A number of people refer to his work these days. His works are gaining popularity now than ever before. He has given explanation for mechanization of art such as film and photography. He lived at the time of the growth of communism and fascism. So he had observed the politicization of art. Then the impact of technology on art is also discussed in this paper. â€Å"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction†, published in 1936, is the work of Walter Benjamin who was a German and most of his works are very significant in the contemporary world especially in the field of art and his popularity is increasing by day. This work has been considered as the standard reference in the analysis of art today, since it speaks about the mechanization in art like in movies and photography. Benjamin was so intelligent and he was influenced by the culture in which he lived. He was born in 1892 in a middle class family that had a close relation to art since his father was an art dealer in Berlin. He could not earn an academic employment due to some incidents in his life. One among them was that his doctoral study was rejected, as the subject was not comprehendible and the second incident was, criticizing and attacking one of the members in intellectual circle. His writings are supposed to be excellent works in explaining on the mechanica l reproduction of film, photography etc. Undoubtedly, we can say that technology-based production of art spoils our creativity, newness, uniqueness and authenticity. Today, one of the means of art is film production and cartoon movies which are at the fore front.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Risks and Optimal Capital Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risks and Optimal Capital Structure - Essay Example USA being a relatively efficient and informed market environment. Risks tend to be closely correlated with returns expected. The components of risks that are unique to US alone include: 1. Inflation risk._ inflation can provide a way to keep up with or stay ahead of inflation. It is defined as the rise in general levels of prices. During high period of inflation, there is a risk that the financial return of an investment will not keep pace with the inflation rate. It reduces the purchasing power, besides; this risk varies form one investment to the other. Small businesses can be seriously affected because this risk can not be insulated against such risk. 2. Market risk: _ the prices of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and various commodities and even services may fluctuate because of the behaviour of investors in the market place. As a result, economic growth is not as systematic and predictable as most investors might believe. Periods of rapid expansion are followed by periods of recession; it may be quite difficult to sell investments like real estate. Fluctuations in the market price for stocks and bonds may have nothing to do with the fundamental changes in the financial health of small businesses. Common causes of such fluctuations can be caused by political or social conditions. 3. 3. Interest rate risk _ this risk is associated with a fixed return investment in preferred stocks or government bonds. It is the result of changes in the interest rates in the economy. The value of these fixed investment securities and borrowed investment funds decreases when overall interest rates increase. 4. Global investment risk__Nowadays small businesses have become global hubs, as the world has become increasingly interconnected into a global village. Small traders keep their investments in foreign companies and other global players and this creates additional risks due to exchange rate in international currencies as exchange rates directly affect returns. 5. Business failure risk_ this is associated with the possibility of bad management, unsuccessful products, competition, or many other factors that can cause the business to be less profitable than originally anticipated. Lower profits would mean lower dividends or no dividends at all. Businesses can also close down due to bankruptcy too. Optimal capital structure means that businesses decide on what the best ratio is, between equity or owners capital and borrowed or debt should be. When such is carefully done, businesses should minimize borrowings as much as to avoid paying high interest on them. Incases from capital contributed from outsiders, corporations should first pay them (obligatorily) before paying themselves .this posses the question of maintaining an optimal capital structure to businesses regardless of their magnitude. REFERNCES 1. Financial management journal vol.33, 2004. 2. www.fma, 2007 3. Geoffrey A.Hirt and Stanley block, fundamentals of investment management 2003. 4. Kapoor Dlabay, personal finance 6th edition 2001. 5. Richard loth,, evaluating a company's capital structure, Oct

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Essay on TV shows Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research on TV shows - Essay Example During 1999-2000, reality shows such as Big Brother and Survivor were a boom in the silver screen. Watching real people competing with each other or struggling against a personal battle can be great entertainment as well as inspire and motivate viewers. Makeover programs are a significant sub category of reality television where home, garden, behaviour, appearance, wardrobes are drastically transformed to meet certain standards. There is a wide range of makeover programs such as Swan, Queer eye for the straight guy, How to look good naked, Amazing Race, etc. that project peoples personal struggles with relationships, career, sports, fear, weight and physical appearance. Similarly, home improvement makeover programs such as BBC’s Divine Designs or ABC’s most popular Extreme makeover: home edition are some of the most popular programs highlighting home improvement struggles. TV ratings have proved that people love watching makeovers or transformations undergo in the matter of an hour (reality-TV. find the best). To viewers at home anything seems possible when they watch ordinary people achieve their goals. On the flip side, beauty makeover programs have also created a culture where beauty is seen as a commodity ,that ca n be bought and sold, and that a perfect physical appearance is important for self-confidence, happiness and sense of belonging. This paper will delve into two of the most important makeover shows in the history of television – ABC’s Extreme Makeover and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Differences and similarities based on identity, appearance and transformation will be discussed in details. ABC’s Extreme Makeover series, first started airing in November of 2002, offers both female and male contestants a complete physical transformation that centers on thousands of dollars’ worth of cosmetic surgery. (Davis,

Monday, October 28, 2019

The 3 stages of memory Essay Example for Free

The 3 stages of memory Essay Sensory Memory is the earliest stage of memory. Information from our surroundings is stored for a short period of time for auditory information. Short-Term Memory is information that we are aware of or information that we think about. Most of the information that is stored in our short-term memory for a longer period of time than the Sensory Memory. Long-Term Memory has information that is largely outside of our awareness and can be called into our working memory to be used when needed. Some information can easily be recalled while other information cannot. Knowing how our memory works can help us learn better by writing down our thoughts so that we dont forget them. For instance, during my down time at work, I may decide to work on a discussion question and can easily get distracted by questions from my teammates or writing out an email. It would be to my advantage to write down what Im thinking at the moment and refer to it when I need it. From the study that I have taken in the text on page 212. It stated that I was mainly and sound type of learner. I can see where they can get this as a results for the study and I do agree that I do some of my learning from hearing what is being said about a task that I am doing, But I would have to say that I do not really agree with the study. I know that I am a visual learner, I do my best work If I have some one to show me what types of things that need to be done for a certain task. If I had to go along with the study because I do think that maybe half of my task skills come from listening to a task. I think that I would use it at all times. I know when I am working I would use this memory style to work with the patients that I am looking after that day and every day, there are also the nurses and other staff that I am working around. I think that there are people that like to  work in certain ways and having the memory this will help to talk with them to know that their likes and dislikes are. This will help me to improve my skill and help make the people around me and the patients happy to want to be working with me. Also using these skills for school will be a big thing for me because there are things that I have to know to complete the task that are due for my assignments. With the sound memory skills I think that this would be better for me because there are a lot of task that I have went through that have a video of some sort to listen to so that I can gather information. This is helping because I can focus on what some one is saying so that I can get the information that I am going to need for that assignment or for the course. I think that there are a lot of different ways that I use to learn and listening to some one explain things is one of my skills. I think that that I have a good memory and I am a fast learner so I think with all my skills put together I have a easier time at learning the skills that I am going to need to learn. I have learned so many things in my life by observing someone else doing it, but the one that stays in my mind is learning how to drive. I remember watching my father turn the wheel, keep it steady, and watched his foot hit the gas petal as well as the brake. I use to practice driving by sitting in a chair with a plate and turn it right, left, and steady. Since I watched my father drive for many years I thought it was my time to show them what I have learned without taking any lessons. Everyone was so impressed with what I knew by only watching my father drive and without any help from a seasoned driver. You can learn a lot just from watching another person, and I am proof of that. Paying attention really pays off and saves a lot of time. The difference between classical and operant conditioning is that classical is more the natural behavior of a subject when exposed to a specific stimulus whereas operant conditioning tries to create a certain reaction by using certain stimulants. The response of the subject in classical conditioning is not learned it is just what comes naturally in a situation, however, the stimulus added to the equation then makes the subject have the same effect to only the stimulus. Operant conditioning aims to produce the desired reaction of the subject by using reinforcement or punishment. One example of operant conditioning is when I first got my Pomeranian and was paper training her. We had to watch her constantly and whenever she went on the pad we laid out for her we would reward her with a, â€Å"Good girl,† and a treat. When she failed to make it on the pad, we would scold her and make her sit there while we cleaned up the mess. After a few weeks, she was able to successfully go on her pad whenever she needed to go even if we were not there to praise her. An example of classical training is similar to my other example. My friend had already trained his dog to go outside to use the bathroom; however, she would just sit there until someone saw her so if everyone was in another room she could have been sitting there for hours. He installed a cow bell at the bottom of the door and when he noticed her sitting at the door, he would tap the bell himself to ring it and then open the door for her. Eventually she realized that the ringing of the bell meant that the door was going to open. Classical conditioning occurs when a controlled stimulus is offered to elicit a response. In the case of Pavlovs dogs, the bell elicited salvation. This was only after Pavlov fed the dogs after each time he rang the bell. The rules of classical conditioning are that: 1. A controlled stimulus must be presented before an uncontrolled stimulus. 2. The controlled stimulus and the uncontrolled stimulus have to be timed closely together. 3. The neutral stimulus has to be partnered with the uncontrolled stimulus many times before the conditioning can happen. 4. The controlled stimulus is unique from the other stimulus. When I was younger I would only drink Dr Pepper. When I got pregnant with my first child, Dr Pepper started making me queasy. After several months of realizing I was feeling sick to my stomach every time I drank Dr Pepper, I quit drinking it. To this day I will get sick to my stomach if I drink Dr Pepper.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Japanese Food and Celebrations Essay -- Sociology, Culture, Golden Wee

What comes to mind when thinking of traditions? Well, tradition is a repeated action in a community or group of people which had been passed down from generations. Even in a modern country like Japan, tradition is part of their life just like in every country. Whether it’s celebrating or eating food, there’s always something people do as a tradition. The foods and celebrations in Japan are important because they are part of their tradition, which is essential to Japanese everywhere. The best example of a Japanese celebration is Golden Week. Firstly, it is a cluster of national holidays between April 29 and May 5 (Kids Web Japan). There are many celebrated things on this day. Furthermore, most big companies close down for a week or even ten days in these holidays. It is just like a spring break. Most importantly, April 29 is Greenery Day, which is to celebrate nature. May 3 is Constitution Day; it is the day when the present constitution was made. Finally it’s May 5, which is Children’s Day (Kids Web Japan). These holidays show that celebrations are highly regarded in Japan. Of course, Children’s day isn’t the only day to celebrate kids. There are also Hina Matsuri, Doll’s Festival or Girls’ Day, in March 3 and Shichi-Go-San, Seven-Five-Three, on November 15. First of all, Seven-five-three is a celebration for three-year old boys and girls, five-year old boys and seven-year old girls (Asij Elementary School Japanese Department). They visit a Shinto shrine with their parents and pay for chitose-ame, longevity candy (Kids Web Japan). Children are introduced to Japanese tradition at an early age. Then on Girls’ Day, parents with a daughter display dolls in their homes and wish for their daughter’s health and happiness (Broderick... .... It means one soup and three sides (Japanese Food and Culture Association). A meal could illustrate one’s culture and tradition. Secondly, it consists of a bowl of rice, a bowl of miso soup, pickled vegetables and fish or meat (Japanese Food and Culture Association). This shows that Japan can eat healthy because of the diversity of the food. Lastly, â€Å"Japan is a country of islands, so much of its food comes from the sea† (Ridgewell 8). Everyone knows that Japan is big on seafood. Fish is usually one of their sides. Truly, Japan has several different and exotic foods. In conclusion, there are many significant foods and celebrations in Japan. Big parts of Japanese customs are because of things like festivals and foods. Traditions are important in life because many people takes part in it and it will still be there in the future, just like it was there in the past.