Monday, September 30, 2019

Mise En Scene in Sofia Coppola’s the Virgin Suicides Essay

Director Sofia Carmina Copolla has been known for her ultra-feminine, visually stylish, quite ostentatious treatment of her films.. Her love for arts and fashion contributes to the very sensual and appealing form of her work. One of her earlier films, The Virgin Suicides, is a testament to this; with its soft color palettes, dreamy soundtrack, and the liminal and transitional theme of the story that captures the pressures of going through adolescent rites of passage: first dance, first kiss, losing ones virginity. The mysterious Lisbon girls’ suicides is told to us by an anonymous boy that represents the group of boys that have loved, revered and wondered at the Lisbon girls and were the last to see them alive. In the scene wherein they get a hold of Cecilia’s diary, the director establishes just how much of a mystery these girls are to the boys. We are never given a clear picture as to the girls’ white-picket-fence suburban lives and the things that might have lead to Cecilia’s suicide; only rumors and gossip offered by neighbors, narrated by the boys; that’s why the diary serves as both a vehicle for the advancement of the plot and an important medium to communicate to us the Lisbon girls’ thoughts and feelings in a distant yet very personal way. The boys wanted to know what could have triggered the death of one them, and in knowing more about them, they come to fall in love with the elusive Lisbon girls. Even the diary prop, innocent in the way that it was made–with the stickers of rainbows, drawings of flowers, written in beautiful cursive–contained incredibly sad anecdotes about Cecilia and the girls. It was almost a foreshadowing of the things to come; how the innocent, angelic girls could commit suicide for no readily apparent reason. The diary scene starts with the boys flipping through the pages together. It is important that we go together with the boys through their journey in processing their information and feelings towards the girls. In this scene we are given our own space in the circle, as one of the investigators of Cecilia’s suicide, in the way the shots were framed. Medium to close up shots of the diary prop and the boys makes us feel like fellow speculators, looking over the shoulders of others in an attempt to figure out what’s going on. It is important to note also, the contrast in color, from the circle of boys hanging out in a room, to the dreamy, imagined diary entries. The very masculine solid blues, striped greens, dark reds of their costumes, the gray checkered walls and bed sheets; transitions to the softly lit, and cross-fading yellows, oranges, sky blues and meadow greens of the girls. The diary entry montages is how the boys would like to imagine the Lisbon girls, as the voice over says, â€Å"we knew that the girls were actually women in disguise, and that they understood love, and even death† It starts with them reading through entry after entry, looking for anything that might explain Cecilia’s suicide. They skim through a few, not very interested in anything. Boring, thinks the guys. One of the boys say â€Å"how many pages can you write about dying trees? † It is only until they encounter entries that tell of the Lisbon sisters that their attention is shifted from looking for something to finding out about the girls. It is interspersed with half-a-second clips of Lux that looked almost like it was taken from a home-made video; it is punctuated with only the starting beats of Air’s Ce Matin La. The discontinuity of the music and the clips of Lux connotes that this is not what they were looking for, as it only ever induces slivers of imagined flashbacks with the girls, but they were close. The boys settle on an entry that tells of Lux’s relationship with Kevin Heines the garbage man and the music continues and this time, does not stop, as Cecilia voices over entry after entry with a montage of the playful girls. This is how the boys see the girls through the diary; skimming through the pages, they see fragments and glimpses of their memories, thoughts, and feelings; and so it is only befitting that this is how they imagine them as well. In only second-long clips of languid camera movements, extreme close ups of desirable mouths, desirable hair brushing desirable eyes, cross-fading to unicorns and fireworks, tree swings, green meadows and pure white clouds. â€Å"And so we started to learn about their lives† the voiceover says. They saw through the diary how incredibly still and stifling a sheltered Lisbon girl’s life could be, â€Å"the way it made your mind active and dreamy and you ended up knowing what colors go together† The surreal video montage, and the Lux imagined flashbacks, all contribute to the feeling of mystery and alienation that the girls bring. A diary can only ever reveal so much about a girl, let alone a group of girls. The boys realize that they can never know the girls in their entirety. To further drive this point home, the scene ends with the screen fading to black, with only the voiceover saying â€Å"we knew that they knew everything about us, and we couldn’t fathom them at all† this then adds to the later frustration of the girls’ suicides, such that, by the end of the film, the group of boys that have fallen in love with the girls, say that they will spend the rest of their lives trying to put together the unsolvable mystery of the Lisbon sisters.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Students Participation in Co-Curricular Activities

Group Discussion| October 29 2012 | John Cheok, Wai Wai and Sin Ping| Sorry, If your name are typed wrongly and please voice out if you have any problem. TQ| John: Well, we shall discuss our task given to us by Ms. Low today. So do you have anything to bring up? WW: Sorry for the interruption, but I did not pay attention during English class last week. Do you mind to explain what are we supposed to discuss? John: Everyone in the class is divided into groups and we are supposed to discuss the question that are given and present it to the class.WW: I’d appreciate it if you could enlighten me further on the question given. SP: Wai Wai, the question given to us is about students participation in co-curricular activities has not been encouraging. We are must discuss the reason and implications and not to forget, the ways to overcome it. John: I’m glad someone actually listens in class. Co-curricular activities are non-academic activities that are conducted in schools or coll eges. Furthermore, the objective of these activities is to help prepare the physical strength and mental state of students.These activities may vary from football to public speaking. WW: From my point of view, these activities help the students a lot, so I can’t understand why are their participation discourage? SP: In general, college students have not enough time. They have to juggle around with many things. Students not have many lecture and tutorial classes to attend. For example, I finished my lecture at 10am, my next tutorial class is at 10. 30 and I have to race all the way to the class that is situated so far. Let alone co-curricular activities, I don’t even have enough time to finish up my homework.John: I think we share the same opinion on this matter, there are so many assignments that I have to pass up. And the deadlines are all right next after the previous. I don’t think 24 hours for a college student is enough. I think I need 30 hours a day to joi n a co-curricular activity. WW: I agree with you on that, but if we manage our time properly, we will find out that we spend a lot of our time on unnecessary matters, for example many students are now addicted to Facebook. They log on to Facebook like every hour. And also many are addicted to Korean dramas.Instead of wasting time streaming for an episode. Why not join a co-curricular activity? SP: I’m afraid I’m not really convinced by you. One of the reasons is activities in co-curricular are not interesting. Students are learning what they have learned in secondary school again and again. The repetitive and common activities will not attract the students to participate. John: I think it is fair to say that the way to overcome this problem is by adding more interesting activities that can attract many young adults to participate and most important have fun while doing certain activity.WW: It suddenly rang in my mind that many of my friends told me this before, the act ivities conducted in co-curricular are not helpful in their future career. On one hand it may not be helpful but on the other hand it may also be less encourage because of parents objection. SP: I totally agree with you. If students take part in these activities, they will have to stay longer in college. It is normal for the parents to be worried. I understand this because my mother will also get worried of me. They are afraid that I will mix with the wrong group or even play truant.John: I rather blame student themselves to be lazy than blaming parents for not letting us join the co-curricular activities. WW: May I interrupt you for a moment? John: If I may just finish, As I was saying, if a student is hardworking and responsible, I am sure that their parents will believe them and not worried that they will mix with the wrong people neither will they play truant. WW: In that case, I’m sorry to say that I may not be able to accept that. SP: Let’s not argue further but discuss about ways to overcome this problem. John: I think a campaign will help.WW: Could you explain this matter further? John: What I was thinking just now is that the college should held a campaign to encourage the students to take part in co-curricular. In that campaign, students should be given with more details and they can also ask questions about the activities that they are keen to join. By doing this, the students might gain more interest or even be exposed to new things. SP: I see eye to eye with you about this. Besides organizing a campaign, the college can also make it compulsory to join co-curricular activities.If students refused to join, they will never graduate. WW: I concur with you on this issue, but if the college forced their students to take part in the co-curricular activities, they students will not enjoy themselves but it will even male them more stress. From my point of view, the college should reward students with credit hour. For example in Tar College, i f you join the co-curricular units, at the end of the semester, you will earn two credit hours. John: Wow, by doing this, students will gain more knowledge and also do something for them to graduate by earning those credit hours.I’m sure students in TAR College are all willing to take part in their co-curricular units. I think students will gain more experience by participating in co-curricular activities. I believe, Co-curricular activities will expose students to many new things, hence it have many benefits. To conclude our discussion, the main reason for students not to take part in the co-curricular activities is lack of time or has bad time management and to overcome it, students must learn to distribute their time not only for their academic but also for some co-curricular activities.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Health and Safety Essay

Health and safety questions one; Health and safety is implemented through the settings health and safety policy which all staff must read and follow and is available from the school office. The health and safety at work act 1974 places a duty on all employers to safeguard so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all their employees. In addition to this, duties extend to cover the health and safety of persons not employed but who may be affected by the work activities undertaken such as pupils, visitors, contractors, ect. The authority retains the above responsibilities under local management of schools as an employer in the same way the governing body of academies, aided and trust schools, but it is important to realise that all employees have legal duties under the health and safety at work act, to co-operate with their employer so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure a safe and healthy place of work. This local statement of safety policy is not intended to replace the wirral local authority’s policy but to detail individual schools’ arrangements and organisation for health and safety. The settings governing body will strive to achieve the highest standards of health, safety and welfare consistent with their responsibilities under the health and safety at work act 1974 and other statutory and common law duties to provide a safe and healthy work place for all its employees, pupils, visitors, and other persona who may be affected by its activities. The head teacher and governing body will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the authority’s safety policy is implemented and, that local authority’s policy and guidance documents are followed and monitored throughout the school. This policy will be brought to the attention of, and/or issued to all members of staff on induction and annual refresher at the start of each school year. it is essential for the success of this safety policy that all employees recognise their responsibilities in co-operating with management on health and safety issues and taking care of themselves and other persons whilst at work.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Postmodernism and Andy Warhol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Postmodernism and Andy Warhol - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Andy Warhol" analyzes postmodernism and Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol began to revolutionize his artistic stance as well, transforming from a plain commercial illustrator to a world-class artist that he has been known for. The last decades towards the end of the twentieth century saw a great increase in the mass consumption of goods and services, starting from the post-war 1950’s to the 1970’s. This ushered in a new period generally dubbed as the postmodern era. Postmodernism draws its ideals from a set of critical and strategic practices utilizing forms and concepts such as difference, repetition, and hyper reality to undermine other concepts such as presence, identity, historical progress, and the univocity of meaning. The term was first used to exemplify the experimental movements in architecture, the western arts, and cultural development at large. This highlights the shift within society, from individuals as producers to individuals as consu mers. Postmodernists argue that there is no such thing as certainty, and thus, stress is sited on the significance of individualism. It is noted that with the advent of new technologies and media in the last decades of the 20th century, â€Å"the death of emotions† had facilitated a culture that is based on fragmented subjectivity. It is in this revolution of capitalist culture that Andy Warhol had founded his art on. His artworks were based on the absorption of images in its own, thus, the replica is not seen as indifferent to the reference.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gu Kaizhi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Gu Kaizhi - Research Paper Example essay will seek to analyze the life and artwork of Gu Kaizhi so as to present to the reader a more complete biographical and technical understanding of the man and his artwork as well as to impress upon the reader the total contributions and levels of expertise that this artist exhibited. Born in 344 AD, Gu Kaizhi’s brief 62 years of life saw the development and growth of one of the most talented and prolific Chinese artists that had lived up until that point in time. Gu was born into a rather noble family and was subsequently schooled in a variety of art forms to include military training, literature, poetry, calligraphy, and music. Such a privileged life helped him to experience an exceptionally well rounded education that many other artists did not have the pleasure of. Although skilled in many artforms and able to express himself within the art of poetry at a very young age, Gu turned to the medium of artwork in the form of paintings by the age of 20 (364 AD). It was at this point that Gu began a long and storied career that would see him be named the father of Chinese artwork. Though such a title is of course a bit of stretch as talented artists existed long before him, the fact of the matter is that he had a profound and lasting effect on the way that ar twork was defined and practiced within China. Additionally, his incorporation of traditional Chinese virtues, stories, characters, and motifs helped to endear him to subsequent generations of artists that began to see his work not only as indicative of high art but exemplification of traditional Chinese art as a function of culture. Due to the historical record at that time, it is nearly impossible to verify some of the stories that exist regarding Gu as he began to embark upon his career as an artist. However, regardless of the voracity of some of these anecdotes, they have nonetheless continued to exist and provide the reader with useful insights into both the merits of Gu’s artwork as well as

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing - Essay Example Either way, each person needs to look at the facts and decide for themselves if the treatment is worthy or worthless. Understanding exactly what EMDR is and how it works is needed before being able to make an informed decision as to whether it works or not. Developed in 1989 by Francine Shapiro, the concept was that by focusing on a traumatic event while either refocusing on following an object causing eye movement, tapping, or touching an object over time would alleviate the stress and traumatic feelings associated with the memory (Kitchiner, Roberts, & Bisson, 2006). The eye movement was supposed to refocus the memory or desensitize it and reprocess with a new positive affirmation or memory (Devilly, 2005; Karatzias, Power, McGoldrick, Brown, Buchanan, Sharp, et al, 2007; Kitchiner et al, 2006; Lee, Taylor, & Drummond, 2006; Taylor, Thordarson, Fedoroff, Maxfield, Lovell, & Ogrodniczuk, 2003). Much research has been conducted in regard to this therapy and there seems to be no middle ground in the fall out of the results. People either believe the treatment works or not. Proponents of EDMR have conducted studies, both observational and empirical and have found that the rapid eye movement is an investigatory action which is known to help disassociate the patient from the traumatic memory.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why people commit crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why people commit crimes - Research Paper Example They decide to commit crime upon determination of potential risks such as getting caught as well as punishment, against rewards that could come with success in their acts (humans are rational with free will to choose to commit crime). Crime happens to be an immoral behavioral form which weakens the society (Steven, 2015). According to the social disorganized theory, the physical as well as the social surroundings of a person primarily determine the decisions and actions of such a person. Specifically, a neighborhood with fraying social structures more likely will have higher rates of crime. This kind of a neighborhood could have vacant as well as vandalized buildings, poor schools, a mix of commercial and residential property and high unemployment. With broken or weak bonds to religion, family, school happens to be a catalyst towards criminal behavior. Individuals fail to see the good in adherence to conventional societal values, hence commit crime believing that it is through crime that they can improve their private social conditions. Social learning explains that individuals are motivated to criminality and get criminal skills from persons they associate with. They learn from criminal friends. Lack of self-directions well as insufficient social roles happen to be the root causes for criminal behav ior (Aldunate, 2015). Biology, evolution as well as evolution – mental illness, poor diet, chemistry, bad brain or evolutionary rewards to violent criminal behavior could lead to crime. Genetics determine the behavior of an individual to a certain degree. This according the biological theory. From one generation to the other, human behavior basic determinants could be passed. This way, one can inherit criminal behavior. Psychobiological theory explains that reactions to foods, chromosomal anomalies deficiencies of vitamins or surrounding’s allergies, integrated with a specific genetic makeup could predispose

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Poverty Across the Globe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Poverty Across the Globe - Essay Example In addition to this, it is also an important goal and issue for several international organizations, such as World Bank and United Nations. Growth in poverty scale can hamper social and economic growth of a country. Therefore, it is important for each and every individual of a country to fight against poverty in order to ensure sustainable growth of the country. This essay will discuss nature, scale and significance of poverty. In addition to this, the essay will try to discuss and assess the policies and practical interventions of two international organizations in the response to poverty. United Nations and CARE International have been considered as two international organizations for the purpose of this essay. Poverty can be considered as greatest scandal of contemporary era. Nature of poverty can be determined through its specific characteristics. Economic aspects of poverty generally focus on the material needs of human beings, such as clothing, shelter, food and safe drinking water. However, the nature of poverty can be divided into six different aspects, such as situational poverty, generational poverty, relative poverty, absolute poverty, ritual poverty and urban poverty. Situational poverty occurs through a sudden loss or crisis. According to several researchers, the effect of this situational poverty is temporary. Typical events or reasons can create situational poverty, such as divorce in a family, serious environmental disasters and severe health issues in a society or community. On the other hand, generational poverty is identified in such families, where two or more previous generations have taken birth with the scale of poverty. It is true that, these families can find it difficult to face this particular situation due to lack of supportive tools and aspects. Absolute poverty generally includes a scarcity of some basic necessities, such as safe and pure running water, food and

Monday, September 23, 2019

ACCT - Principles of Managerial Accounting Essay - 1

ACCT - Principles of Managerial Accounting - Essay Example A process order costing approach is however applicable when activities are homogeneous and involve mass production. As a result, allocation of cost per single activity would be irrational such as in a food company where costing done per process and not per unit product (Mowen, p. 182). Equivalent units of production are necessary in a process costing approach because it facilitate allocation of costs to unit elements of a production process. This is because costs are measured with respect to processes or departments that consist of a number of units. The equivalent units are then used to derive cost per unit of products (Mowen, p. 255). The equivalent units of production for direct labor and overhead can be either equal to, or different from equivalent units for direct materials. This is because of the availability of different approaches to costing. An actual or normal costing approach may lead to difference in the values while a standard costing approach may yield same values for direct labor, overhead and direct materials (Mowen, p.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Clockwork Orange Essay Example for Free

A Clockwork Orange Essay I chose for my text transformation to use the base text A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. This novel interested me because of its individual language of Nadsat, a form of slang created by Burgess for gangs of violent English teenagers. The slang serves a serious purpose, which is too keep the violence of the protagonist from becoming unbearable to its reader, keeping the language partly veiled, for example making gratizny bratchny sound more pleasant than its meaning dirty bastard. It is important to realise that its audience of the 60s have not yet become subject to such violence and despair explored in the novel. So what have I done? I have taken four characters from the novel (Alexs parents, Alex and the schoolmaster) and placed them into The Jerry Springer Show, creating a parody of the show. I have given Alexs parents the names of Janet and Derek and looked at their perspective of Alexs violent activities. As I would chronologically slot the show in just before the police catch him, I have kept Alexs attitude of his enjoyment of violence. When the schoolmaster has been beaten up and staggers off, that is the last we have heard of him in the novel, I decided to give him a voice and see what he would have said about his attack. So why did I choose to do this? The Jerry Springer Show is a dysfunctional show and Alex is a dysfunctional character. Jerry Springers show is amoral TV; it is outrageous, shocking, scandalous and hilarious. The show has no limits. Nearly all stories have major big twists that unfold as more guests get called out. These guests often get violent and try to kick and punch other parties involved, whilst typically Jerry tries to redeem his guests. This is why I think it works well with the character of Alex and his behaviour seen in the novel. The novel represents the society in which Alex lives in as complete dystopian, dark and dismal, with no law and order. The Jerry Springer Show is a chat show, although it is very staged with his agenda-setting questions and appearing guests, the show is almost entirely full of spontaneous speech. Therefore I decided to do a transcript version of the show, although obviously not true to its discourse as I would be giving the characters a voice as appose to spontaneous speech written down as it is heard. Jerry Springer, as an American, has his own geographical dialect. It was important to keep this as well as phrases singly the best audience and his own idiolect right, well, hey, so, to indicate his regional origin. Jerry has an informal register that contains much ellipsis, such as youre singly the best and here cause you love. The graphology of the transformation is laid out in the convention of the transcript. The names of the characters have been placed on the left hand side indicating who is talking and to the right, is what is actually being said: Alex: are you saying do i enjoy lubbilubbing with a devotchas Janet: against their will alex against their will Alex: not recently no em Sounds that are not fore grounded I have placed in italics for example, the audiences reactions to the quests comments (Audience boos loudly). As this is a transcript and not a play, I have not included stage directions or actions taken by the characters, as a recording of the show a transcript would only contain sounds heard on the recorder. The syntax of Alex and his friends, in the novel, is completely different to that of any other characters. The Nadsat slang has derived from many different language sources but many are Slavic in origin. A mixture of Russian and demotic English, with elements of rhyming slang and gypsy talk, O my brothers, as well as anglicized words and amputations em, pee.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Comparing responsible leadership with transactional leadership

Comparing responsible leadership with transactional leadership The main purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the dimensions of responsible leadership with transactional leadership. Therefore, this paper will start off with giving the definition on both of the leadership styles. Then, it will be followed by analysing the six dimensions of responsible leadership which will be use to compare and contrast with transactional leadership. The dimensions comprise of the roles the leader fulfils, the relationship between the leader and follower, the values that derived from the relationships, the ethical perspective, the responsibilities while making decisions and finally, the sustainability. DEFINITION OF RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP AND TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP Responsible leadership has been defined as the art of building and sustaining morally sound relationship with all relevant stakeholders of an organisation (Maak Pless 2006, p.5). Transactional leadership is described as leaders and followers being in an exchange relationship (Dubrin, Dalglish Miller 2006, p. 105). COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE TWO LEADERSHIP STYLES The first dimension to be compare and contrast is the role of responsible leadership. According to Maak and Pless (2006), the roles of responsible leadership are being a servant, steward, citizen, visionary, story-teller and meaning enabler, coach, architect and change agent. All these eight roles are supposed to act interdependently with each other as a whole. Moreover, according to Dachler (cited in Maak and Pless 2006, p. 107), all these roles are relational, that is, they concern specific responsibilities or activities vis-a-vis relational processes in the construction of organisational realities. A responsible leader fulfils being accountable for everyone within their surroundings to have a positive social interaction between both inside and outside the organisation. On the other hand, a transactional leader role is just to help the subordinates by clarifying them the role and task requirements to attain designated outcome and what they will receive in return. Another dimension is the relationship between a leader and the followers. In the context of responsible leadership, followers mean the stakeholders, whereas transactional leadership means just the subordinates. Responsible leadership is more suited with the twenty first century, this is due to todays ways of business interaction; the networking structures. Leaders and the stakeholders are of equal status where the stakeholders do not need to depend on the leader fully and have ultimate power or authority to achieve stated vision. Maak and Pless (2006, p. 104) wrote that leadership legitimacy does not come with position, status, reward or power. As for transactional leadership, it is more into hierarchical order, where the leader is seen as on the top and in charge of everything. And as for the subordinates, they need to follow what the leader says. Status and power plays its role. As stated in Hood (2003, p. 267) transactional leadership is based on bureaucratic authority and legitim ate power in the organisation. Relationships lead to another dimension for being a responsible leader that is in terms of its values. Some of the values are made up of honesty, empowerment and friendliness. Responsible leaders need to communicate effectively with their stakeholders as to respect and create positive friendly environment with each other. The leader needs to ensure that everyone are treated fairly and equal where their needs and interests are taken into account. Being an honest leader build the culture of trust that proves to motivate and inspire others by Caldwell and Dixon (2009), and as by doing so may create a long lasting intimate relationship (loyalty) which is relatively important for making future deals (ingredients of integrity). Pless (2007, p. 450) state that responsible leadership manifest itself in defining moments, in which leaders have to make fundamental decisions with long-term effect on people, environment and/or the future of the organization. As for delegating responsibilities, it is connected in the form of empowerment as it yields high trust, productive communication between individuals and teams (Remmel 2004). As for the values of transactional leadership, the relationship of friendliness build is only for short-term period as when the goal is achieve successfully then the transaction is complete, which neglects the importance of people in creating long-term wealth. Cameron (2003) and Senge (2006) cited in Caldwell and Dixon (2010, p. 97). Therefore, the trust given by the leader to the subordinates are only in the duration of the task is suppose to be completed, where in term of empowerment, it is lacking but do exist. The leader must make sure the followers are aware and being clarified of their tasks to be carried out efficiently with awards attached to it which can be said as the driven motivator. As proven by Houghton and Yoho (1005, p. 76) theorists have suggested that the directive and transactional styles will result in low levels of empowerment among followers. The fourth dimension of responsible leadership is ethics. Ethics can be defined as code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviours of a person or group with respect to right or wrong (Samson Daft 2009, p. 174). By looking at the definition, it can be said that morality is considered to be a significant quality to have as a leader. Moreover, there are two out of four values based founded by Rokeachs (1973) cited in Hood (2003) that are significantly related to ethical practises, that are social and morality-based values. Social values include such items as freedom and equality, and morality-based values include politeness, helpfulness, affection, and forgiveness. Responsible leaders, their ethics lies on both since as stated before, socially, the stakeholders do not need to depend on the leader, they are free and of equal status as the leader. In term of morality, making an ethical judgement considering the situation and condition of the stakeholders is regarded as a norm for a responsible leader because it is their ethical desires to serve others. As Pless (2007, p. 438) states, responsible leadership research examines the leadership dynamics in the context of stakeholder society and includes the ethical perspective. They are responsible to heed for the stakeholders needs and interest (Pless 2007). As for transactional leaders, their ethics basically just lie on the morality-based values. This is because, the subordinates have no freedom and dedicated to what the leader wishes, and also basically they do their job respectively in order to attain stated goal with the help of the leader. The fifth dimension of responsible leadership is responsibilities. A responsibility here means the ethics of what the leader does (Maak Pless 2006, p. 35). This part relates to the previous dimension where it can be said that ethics played a major part in being a responsible leader; the heart. Leader is responsible for decision-making. The case of making a tough decision is a common thing that a leader would have gone through. The responsibility is related to ones ethics of making the right or wrong decision. One has to take a look at different scopes before deriving a verdict. Hence, the issue of trust should also be bear in mind while making decision. As the relationship of trust is build between leader and followers, then as a leader, one is responsible to behave and make decision ethically. This applies to both types of leadership and they need to act morally and be responsibly. The main difference is only to who does the leader is held responsible while making an ethical decisi on. As a responsible leader, they have a bigger scope whom to deal with that is the stakeholders. As for transactional leaders, the followers only consist of the subordinates in the organisation. The final dimension of responsible leadership is sustainability. The sustainability issue can be in the form of having sustainable relationships and also the future. As stated in Maak (2007, p. 329) it takes responsible leadership and responsible leaders to build and sustain a business that is of benefit to multiple stakeholders. To have sustainable relationships, as a responsible leader, it requires them to include the stakeholders before claiming conclusions to ensure ethically sound decision making. Maak (2007, p. 331) states key to responsible leadership is thus the ability to enable and broker sustainable, mutual beneficial relationships with stakeholders, to create stakeholder goodwill and trust and ultimately a trusted business in society. As to reach sustainable future, responsible leaders should have a shared business vision to be reached together with the stakeholders. Maak (2007, p. 334) writes in a stakeholder society an agreeable vision would need to include the aspirati on to be (come) and inclusive, responsible, and active business in society. In contrast, sustainable relationships cannot be reached in transactional leadership since to reach beneficial relationships it involves number of stakeholders. Furthermore, the vision that is practiced in transactional leadership style is only to reach the stated goal which is clearly not sustainable as it is not forward looking to the future. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the six dimensions of responsible leadership that is being used to compare with transactional leadership are the roles, relationships, values, ethics, responsibilities and sustianability. As for the roles, there are eight interdependent roles of responsible leaders, and for transactional leaders, they only need to clarify the tasks to their subordinates with rewards attached to it. Secondly, relationships between leader and followers are being considered. The followers in responsible leadership are the stakeholders which consist of both inside and outside the organisation. Whereas for the transactional style, the followers are only within the organisation that is the subordinates. Thirdly, the values of honesty, empowerment and friendliness have been touched. Honesty between the leader and the follower build a culture of trust, however the period of trustiness between those two leadership styles differ. That is, responsible leadership will last longer than the transact ional leadership style because responsible leaders are thinking ahead of time for making future deals. And as for empowerment, responsible leadership results higher than transactional leadership style. Fourthly are the ethical perspective in terms of social and morality-values. Responsible leaders ethics is derived from both but transactional only from the morality-values. Fifthly, it is the responsibilities of decision making where the responsible leaders have to take into account of a wider range of people rather than the transactional leaders while making any judgement. And finally, the sustainable issue of having a sustainable relationships and future which turns out only achievable in a responsible leadership style and not transactional leadership.