Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Essay on TV shows Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research on TV shows - Essay Example During 1999-2000, reality shows such as Big Brother and Survivor were a boom in the silver screen. Watching real people competing with each other or struggling against a personal battle can be great entertainment as well as inspire and motivate viewers. Makeover programs are a significant sub category of reality television where home, garden, behaviour, appearance, wardrobes are drastically transformed to meet certain standards. There is a wide range of makeover programs such as Swan, Queer eye for the straight guy, How to look good naked, Amazing Race, etc. that project peoples personal struggles with relationships, career, sports, fear, weight and physical appearance. Similarly, home improvement makeover programs such as BBC’s Divine Designs or ABC’s most popular Extreme makeover: home edition are some of the most popular programs highlighting home improvement struggles. TV ratings have proved that people love watching makeovers or transformations undergo in the matter of an hour (reality-TV. find the best). To viewers at home anything seems possible when they watch ordinary people achieve their goals. On the flip side, beauty makeover programs have also created a culture where beauty is seen as a commodity ,that ca n be bought and sold, and that a perfect physical appearance is important for self-confidence, happiness and sense of belonging. This paper will delve into two of the most important makeover shows in the history of television – ABC’s Extreme Makeover and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Differences and similarities based on identity, appearance and transformation will be discussed in details. ABC’s Extreme Makeover series, first started airing in November of 2002, offers both female and male contestants a complete physical transformation that centers on thousands of dollars’ worth of cosmetic surgery. (Davis,

Monday, October 28, 2019

The 3 stages of memory Essay Example for Free

The 3 stages of memory Essay Sensory Memory is the earliest stage of memory. Information from our surroundings is stored for a short period of time for auditory information. Short-Term Memory is information that we are aware of or information that we think about. Most of the information that is stored in our short-term memory for a longer period of time than the Sensory Memory. Long-Term Memory has information that is largely outside of our awareness and can be called into our working memory to be used when needed. Some information can easily be recalled while other information cannot. Knowing how our memory works can help us learn better by writing down our thoughts so that we dont forget them. For instance, during my down time at work, I may decide to work on a discussion question and can easily get distracted by questions from my teammates or writing out an email. It would be to my advantage to write down what Im thinking at the moment and refer to it when I need it. From the study that I have taken in the text on page 212. It stated that I was mainly and sound type of learner. I can see where they can get this as a results for the study and I do agree that I do some of my learning from hearing what is being said about a task that I am doing, But I would have to say that I do not really agree with the study. I know that I am a visual learner, I do my best work If I have some one to show me what types of things that need to be done for a certain task. If I had to go along with the study because I do think that maybe half of my task skills come from listening to a task. I think that I would use it at all times. I know when I am working I would use this memory style to work with the patients that I am looking after that day and every day, there are also the nurses and other staff that I am working around. I think that there are people that like to  work in certain ways and having the memory this will help to talk with them to know that their likes and dislikes are. This will help me to improve my skill and help make the people around me and the patients happy to want to be working with me. Also using these skills for school will be a big thing for me because there are things that I have to know to complete the task that are due for my assignments. With the sound memory skills I think that this would be better for me because there are a lot of task that I have went through that have a video of some sort to listen to so that I can gather information. This is helping because I can focus on what some one is saying so that I can get the information that I am going to need for that assignment or for the course. I think that there are a lot of different ways that I use to learn and listening to some one explain things is one of my skills. I think that that I have a good memory and I am a fast learner so I think with all my skills put together I have a easier time at learning the skills that I am going to need to learn. I have learned so many things in my life by observing someone else doing it, but the one that stays in my mind is learning how to drive. I remember watching my father turn the wheel, keep it steady, and watched his foot hit the gas petal as well as the brake. I use to practice driving by sitting in a chair with a plate and turn it right, left, and steady. Since I watched my father drive for many years I thought it was my time to show them what I have learned without taking any lessons. Everyone was so impressed with what I knew by only watching my father drive and without any help from a seasoned driver. You can learn a lot just from watching another person, and I am proof of that. Paying attention really pays off and saves a lot of time. The difference between classical and operant conditioning is that classical is more the natural behavior of a subject when exposed to a specific stimulus whereas operant conditioning tries to create a certain reaction by using certain stimulants. The response of the subject in classical conditioning is not learned it is just what comes naturally in a situation, however, the stimulus added to the equation then makes the subject have the same effect to only the stimulus. Operant conditioning aims to produce the desired reaction of the subject by using reinforcement or punishment. One example of operant conditioning is when I first got my Pomeranian and was paper training her. We had to watch her constantly and whenever she went on the pad we laid out for her we would reward her with a, â€Å"Good girl,† and a treat. When she failed to make it on the pad, we would scold her and make her sit there while we cleaned up the mess. After a few weeks, she was able to successfully go on her pad whenever she needed to go even if we were not there to praise her. An example of classical training is similar to my other example. My friend had already trained his dog to go outside to use the bathroom; however, she would just sit there until someone saw her so if everyone was in another room she could have been sitting there for hours. He installed a cow bell at the bottom of the door and when he noticed her sitting at the door, he would tap the bell himself to ring it and then open the door for her. Eventually she realized that the ringing of the bell meant that the door was going to open. Classical conditioning occurs when a controlled stimulus is offered to elicit a response. In the case of Pavlovs dogs, the bell elicited salvation. This was only after Pavlov fed the dogs after each time he rang the bell. The rules of classical conditioning are that: 1. A controlled stimulus must be presented before an uncontrolled stimulus. 2. The controlled stimulus and the uncontrolled stimulus have to be timed closely together. 3. The neutral stimulus has to be partnered with the uncontrolled stimulus many times before the conditioning can happen. 4. The controlled stimulus is unique from the other stimulus. When I was younger I would only drink Dr Pepper. When I got pregnant with my first child, Dr Pepper started making me queasy. After several months of realizing I was feeling sick to my stomach every time I drank Dr Pepper, I quit drinking it. To this day I will get sick to my stomach if I drink Dr Pepper.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Japanese Food and Celebrations Essay -- Sociology, Culture, Golden Wee

What comes to mind when thinking of traditions? Well, tradition is a repeated action in a community or group of people which had been passed down from generations. Even in a modern country like Japan, tradition is part of their life just like in every country. Whether it’s celebrating or eating food, there’s always something people do as a tradition. The foods and celebrations in Japan are important because they are part of their tradition, which is essential to Japanese everywhere. The best example of a Japanese celebration is Golden Week. Firstly, it is a cluster of national holidays between April 29 and May 5 (Kids Web Japan). There are many celebrated things on this day. Furthermore, most big companies close down for a week or even ten days in these holidays. It is just like a spring break. Most importantly, April 29 is Greenery Day, which is to celebrate nature. May 3 is Constitution Day; it is the day when the present constitution was made. Finally it’s May 5, which is Children’s Day (Kids Web Japan). These holidays show that celebrations are highly regarded in Japan. Of course, Children’s day isn’t the only day to celebrate kids. There are also Hina Matsuri, Doll’s Festival or Girls’ Day, in March 3 and Shichi-Go-San, Seven-Five-Three, on November 15. First of all, Seven-five-three is a celebration for three-year old boys and girls, five-year old boys and seven-year old girls (Asij Elementary School Japanese Department). They visit a Shinto shrine with their parents and pay for chitose-ame, longevity candy (Kids Web Japan). Children are introduced to Japanese tradition at an early age. Then on Girls’ Day, parents with a daughter display dolls in their homes and wish for their daughter’s health and happiness (Broderick... .... It means one soup and three sides (Japanese Food and Culture Association). A meal could illustrate one’s culture and tradition. Secondly, it consists of a bowl of rice, a bowl of miso soup, pickled vegetables and fish or meat (Japanese Food and Culture Association). This shows that Japan can eat healthy because of the diversity of the food. Lastly, â€Å"Japan is a country of islands, so much of its food comes from the sea† (Ridgewell 8). Everyone knows that Japan is big on seafood. Fish is usually one of their sides. Truly, Japan has several different and exotic foods. In conclusion, there are many significant foods and celebrations in Japan. Big parts of Japanese customs are because of things like festivals and foods. Traditions are important in life because many people takes part in it and it will still be there in the future, just like it was there in the past.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Odysseus,the Hero, Homer :: essays research papers

Odysseus, The Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today*s eclectic society, everybody*s heroes are different. However, during the era Homer*s The Odyssey was created all heroes had same characteristics. Heroes were the people who saved people, they were courageous wise and had fighting spirit. Odysseus, the main character in Homer*s epic poem was clever brave and a great strategist.Ê Although he has these strengths, he has some negative qualities, but most of his heroic qualities still hold true today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Odysseus possesses heroic qualities, such as bravery, wisdom, a strategic thinking and honorable. Most of the story in The Odyssey is told by Odysseus, so we can say from his narration that he is eloquent. Book 9 shows Odysseus* positive and?@negative qualities.Ê When he escapes from Cyclops* cave he showed that he was brave and a great strategist.Ê When he poked Cyclops* eye with pike of olive, he decided not to kill him because if he killed Cyclops, he would not be able to get out of the cave.Ê This also shows he was wise and able to think about the situation before doing anything.Ê Another example that shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many.Ê By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so honorable.Ê He showed sensitivity when he met his mother and when he heard the song of the Trojan War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, Odysseus* qualities are not considered heroic today are his impulsiveness, arrogance, and curiosity.Ê He struggle?@with these points. Odysseus went to Cyclops* cave because he was curious but didn*t think what may happen next. When Odysseus was able to escape from Cyclops* cave, he yelled to Cyclops identifying himself because of his pride. That made Cyclops so angry that he prayed to his father Poseidon to destroy Odysseus. The result of that is Odysseus* companions all died before Odysseus could return home. If he didn*t reveal his name to Cyclops, maybe his companions wouldn*t died. Even though he has negative characteristics it shows Odysseus is just a human. He is not a god or a perfect man. His negative points aren*t favorable, but they make his positive points look stronger. If he were a god or a perfect man, his positive points wouldn*t be special or great. When his weak points get him into trouble, his strong points rescue him. For example, his impulsiveness with Cyclops almost destroyed him and his companions but his bravery and clever strategy

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The nature of work

IntroductionThe nature of work is altering at whirlwind velocity. Job emphasis is defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the demands of the occupation do non fit the capablenesss, resources, or demands of the worker harmonizing to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH ) . This type of emphasis can take to hapless wellness and hurt. Stress is a misfit between a worker ‘s demands and capablenesss, and what the workplace offers and demands. The National Health and Safety Commission ( NOHSC ) identified emphasis as the most important psychological jeopardy in the workplace, impacting both mental and physical wellbeing of people. Work-related emphasis is the natural reaction of people to being put under intense force per unit area at work over a period of clip. Some people are motivated by the challenges that their occupation demands and when get the better ofing those challenges there is a sense of relaxation and achievem ent. It is when the force per unit area of work demands becomes utmost and stretched out, that people see that there is a menace to their well-being or involvements and that is so they start to be subjected to unpleasant emotions such as fright, choler or anxiousness. Stress is non a disease or hurt, but it can take to mental and physical ailment wellness. Stress is one of the major OHS issues facing workers in Australian workplaces. The ACTU conducted a study in 1997 receiving over 12,000 responses that showed:One in four people took clip off due to emphasize at work.The most nerve-racking conditions at work reported were direction issues including deficiency of communicating and audience ; increased work load ; organisational alteration and restructuring ; and occupation insecurity.A scope of symptoms including concerns, continual fatigue, choler, and wakefulness.Over half of the respondents nominated better direction, including more communicating and audience, as a solution to em phasize at work. Other solutions included less workload, public presentation monitoring, better work organisation, more preparation, occupation security, and better calling chances.Stressors are events or fortunes that lead to person feeling that physical or psychological demands are about to transcend his or her ability to get by. There are legion types of stressors. These stressors can be because of the type of occupation such as displacement work and menace of force. Another stressor can originate because of the manner the occupation is organized, this can include physical factors ( inordinate heat, cold, noise ) and physiological factors that can impact the organic structure ‘s balance ( shift work, unequal restorative clip, etc. ) . Stressors can look because of the unrealistic deadlines because inordinate work demands. They can besides develop because of personal factors ( wellness position, relationships, get bying with hard state of affairss ) .SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSStress is a complex issue and no two persons will be affected in the same manner. Stress can be thought of as a â€Å"bucket† theoretical account. The pail theoretical account suggests that emphasis and weariness consequence when a individual ‘s reservoir of personal resiliency is drained faster than it is replenished. Interesting work, supportive relationships, and good wellness make full the pail, and hard on the job conditions, emotionally run outing work, extra work, and troubles at place can run out the pail. Some marks and symptoms that one needs to watch out for if they start to experience stressed is that employees feel dying and their bosom rate velocities up because of the deficiency of control over the work load sums. There are physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms that directors or anyone in control of the organisation needs to be cognizant of. The physical symptoms include concerns, tummy jobs, eating upsets, sleep perturbations, weariness, and chronic mild unwellness. The psychological and behavioural symptoms include anxiousness, crossness, low morale, depression, intoxicant and drug usage, and isolation from colleagues. If employees are exposed to these stressors for long periods of clip they can turn into chronic wellness jobs. The physical conditions can progress into high blood force per unit area, bosom disease, shot, diabetes, asthma, and immune system disfunction. The psychological and behavioural symptoms can come on to serious depression, self-destructive behaviour, domestic force, intoxicant and substance maltreatment and burnout.SOURCES/CAUSES OF JOB STRESSHarmonizing to Aetna, there is one school of idea, differences in single features such as personality and get bying with manner are the most of import in foretelling whether certain occupation conditions will ensue in emphasis – in other words, what is nerve-racking for one individual may non be a job for person else. There are different occupation condition s that may take to emphasize. These occupation conditions include design of undertakings, direction manner, interpersonal relationships, work functions, calling concerns, and environmental conditions. The design of the undertaking is anything that provides small sense of control to the employee, heavy work load, and long work hours, feverish and everyday undertakings that have small built-in significance. Another occupation status that leads to emphasize is the manner of direction. The direction manner could be due to hapless communicating in the organisation, deficiency of family-friendly policies, and a deficiency of engagement by workers in determination devising. Interpersonal relationship can do an employee emphasis because of the undermentioned possible factors: hapless societal environment and a deficiency of support from coworkers and supervisors. Having excessively many work functions is another occupation status that could do an employee emphasis. This can go on when the e mployee is have oning excessively many chapeaus, holding excessively much duty, or unsure occupation outlooks. Another occupation status that can do emphasis to an employee is career concerns. The deficiency of occupation insecurity, chance for growing, or rapid alterations in which the workers are unprepared. The last occupation status that can do emphasis is the environment. The environmental conditions such as crowding, noise, air pollution or ergonomic jobs are conditions that human resource is traveling to hold to take into consideration. The causes of emphasis ( frequently called stressors ) can be many and varied, and can happen as a consequence of combinations of more than one stressor. The PEF have a list of other stressors that can do emphasis. They include engaging freezings ; contingent work ( parttime or impermanent ) , quality plans and these can take to emphasize. These include non-existent calling ladders, high demands, work load, clip force per unit areas, understaf fing and violence/harassment. Short-run emphasis may do a individual cognizant of being challenged and motivated. This is â€Å"some emphasis is good for you† consequence. Prolonged consciousness of non get bying can take to harm for both the individual and the organisation. This can ensue in immediate safety jobs, depression, burnout, bosom disease, and self-abusive behaviours ( such as intoxicant ) .Stress FROM Making THE JOBMost stressors can be grouped into one of three countries ; emphasis from making the occupation, emphasis from work relationships, and emphasis from working conditions. Stress from making the occupation can be attributed to insistent work, excessively much to make with excessively small clip, excessively much or non adequate preparation, demotion, confusion of precedences and excessively much duty. Poor colleague relationships, favoritism, deficiency of communicating between employer and employee, and negative civilization can be the beginning for emphasis from work relationships. St ress from working conditions can be rooted in the physical danger or the menace of the occupation, hapless physical working conditions, restructuring, and inflexible work agendas or fickle hours.JOB STRESS AND HEALTHJob emphasis poses a menace to wellness of workers and to the wellness organisations. There are possible wellness jobs that if exposed to excessively much emphasis can increase the hazard for. The early warning marks that one possibly sing excessively much emphasis. These marks are concerns, sleep perturbations, trouble concentrating, short pique, disquieted tummy, occupation dissatisfaction, and low morale. If these early warning marks go unnoticed so there are more serious jobs that can originate. These jobs include cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal upsets, psychological upsets, workplace hurt, self-destruction, malignant neoplastic disease, ulcers, and impaired immune map. As degrees of emphasis addition, so excessively can consumption of intoxicant, coffin nail s and prescription/non-prescription drugs.WHAT CAN Be DONE ABOUT JOB STRESSThere are some different attacks for covering with emphasis. They are stress direction and organisational alteration. With stress direction there are plans that teach workers about the nature and beginnings of emphasis, the effects of emphasis on wellness, and personal accomplishments to cut down emphasis. Employee aid plans ( EAP ) are initiated to better the ability of workers to get by with hard work state of affairss. EAP ‘s provide single guidance for employees with both work and personal jobs. Stress direction preparation could significantly cut down emphasis symptoms and is cheap to implement. Stress direction has two disadvantages: the good effects on emphasis symptoms are frequently ephemeral ; and they frequently ignore of import root causes of emphasis because they focus on the worker and non the environment. The 2nd attack for covering with emphasis is organisational alteration. This attack is the most direct manner to cut down emphasis at work. It encompasses the designation of nerve-racking facets of work and plan schemes to cut down or extinguish the recognized stressors. The advantage of this attack is that it deals straight with the root causes of emphasis at work. This attack can be slippery for directors because it means altering work or production agendas, or alterations in the construction of the organisation. As a general regulation, actions to cut down occupation emphasis should give top precedence to organisational alteration to better working conditions. The practical attack to covering with job-related emphasis is to unite organisational alteration and emphasis direction to forestall emphasis at work. Pull offing jobs around emphasis and weariness requires the same accomplishments and behaviours as pull offing any other employment relationship jobs:The parties need to pass on, work together, and happen a solution that both find satisfactory ;Deal with jobs before they escalate ;Make sure that you have all the facts, speak the issue through with the all involved, and place the implicit in job ;Have a 3rd party nowadays so that they could assist do certain that all issues are understood by both parties and all likely solutions are taken into history ;Employers who need aid can confer with an Employers ‘ Organization.WHAT LAWS APPLYStress becomes an occupational jeopardy if it adversely impacts on safety and wellness in the workplace. Employers have a responsibility to supply safe systems of work, information, preparation and supervising and to confer with and collaborate with employees. Employees have a responsibility to take sensible attention of themselves in the workplace a nd to collaborate with the employer on safety and wellness affairs. Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 requires employers, where operable, to follow a systematic attack to identifying, measuring and commanding jeopardies at work ; employers should place factors in the workplace that cause emphasis, reexamine the likeliness that the emphasis would do hurt or disease, and if the hazards are important they should set controls in topographic point to minimise emphasis.HOW ARE THE RISKS ARISING FROM STRESS ASSESSEDAs of today, there is no nonsubjective manner to mensurate the degrees of emphasis in the workplace, but there are advisers that can mensurate the beginnings of emphasis and set into topographic point subjective steps for the workplace. These solutions will differ based on the size and elaborateness of the organisation, resources available, and the different types of emphasis faced within that organisation. Minimizing emphasis can be cheap. The employer, chief cont ractor, freelance individual, or anyone with control in the work topographic point, it is their duty of measuring the sum of emphasis within an organisation. This involves taking action to forestall turning force per unit area in the workplace, placing force per unit areas that could do high, durable degrees of emphasis, placing those that might be affected by these force per unit areas, and make up one's minding whether to take preventive action to forestall turning force per unit area. It is of import that there is early intercession if emphasis is identified.STRATEGIES FOR SOLUTIONSIf the company is in a brotherhood so employers need to acquire the affected members to work together with brotherhood representatives to turn to the ground ( s ) for job-related emphasis. The first thing that needs to go on is that the job needs to be documented that includes worker studies, jeopardy function, analysing bing employer informations such as hurt and illness logs or tracking staffing form s. If direction coaction is possible, the brotherhood, affected worker, and direction can come together to place cardinal stressors and develop plans to cut down emphasis. This is normally done through wellness and safety and labor/management commissions, preparation and educational plans. Schemes may include affecting workers in occupation and workplace design, holding input on displacement agendas, and/or developing a workplace force bar policy or plan. If direction is non collaborating, the brotherhood can execute its ain run by keeping equal group meetings, registering mass grudges, or prosecute in public consciousness run.Directors ‘ AND EMPLOYERS ‘ RESPONSIBILITIESAs a director and employer you have certain duties and have a responsibility to look after your ain wellness every bit good as the wellness of your employees. The Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) suggests that you carry out a hazard appraisal to happen out whether you are making plenty to forestall emp hasis, and has identified seven factors for measuring work-related emphasis jeopardies:Culture of the organisations,Demands such as work load and exposure to physical jeopardies,How much control people have over the manner they work,Relationships,How organisational alteration is managed and communicated,Whether the single understands their function in the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that the individual does non hold conflicting functions, andSupport and preparation from equals and line direction for the individual to be able to set about the nucleus maps of their occupation.DecisionStress can impact everyone. Work organisations need to develop a workplace civilization that recognizes that occupation satisfaction factors such as flexibleness, liberty, security, acknowledgment, ownership, engagement, and engagement are every bit indispensable as stable industrial dealingss. Employers in such organisations should hold no uncertainty that wellness, safety, security , and morale are inextricably linked to employee satisfaction, productiveness, and client satisfaction. Stress should non be portion of a occupation to the extent that it causes physical or mental unwellness. The solution is good direction on both sides.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

genetics and the pros and cons essays

genetics and the pros and cons essays Genetic Engineering: Correcting the Code Often there is a sudden breakthrough in a field of sciences, a key moment, an experiment, an event that changes people's lives all over the world. In September of 1990, the first genetic treatment of a human being with an inherited illness was they key moment or event for genetics. They injection of a genetically altered white blood cells into the child's body was little more than a transfusion. The child sat on a bed, an intravenous tube was hooked to her arm and her own white blood cells were infused into her circulation. Yet those white blood cells were like no other cells in history. They had been genetically engineered (Thompson 9). This girl isn't alone in beating the odds. Genetic engineering has grown and become more common. People with diseases, infertile men, and farmers especially should recognize the many benefits from genetic engineering. They could end up with a cure a lot faster and find easier ways of getting treatment to healthier foods. From this kind of example, genetic engineering should be a known and accepted practice. It is a safe way to create good quality foods, create new lives, and cure diseases. In May of 1994, the Food and Drug Administration approved a genetically engineered tomato called Flavr Savr. Many people cringe at the thought of eating them. These tomatoes, though, are proven better and healthier even though they are slow ripening. The idea of altering a plant's traits seems radical and new, but scientists have been doing it for years by breeding desired qualities into crops (Henkel 10). Subsequently, seven vegetables were brought to market under the Pre-Market Notification, PostMarket Authority approach that will govern the introduction of the new Some exceptions are made when a gene from a potentially allergenic food , like peanuts, is transferred into another food, o...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Japan Essays - Empire Of Japan, Strategic Management, Shwa Period

Japan Essays - Empire Of Japan, Strategic Management, Shwa Period Japan The occupation of Japan was, from start to finish, an American operation. General Douglans MacArthur, sole supreme commander of the Allied Power was in charge. The Americans had insufficient men to make a military government of Japan possible; so t hey decided to act through the existing Japanese gobernment. General Mac Arthur became, except in name, dictator of Japan. He imposed his will on Japan. Demilitarization was speedily carried out, demobilization of the former imperial forces was complet ed by early 1946. Japan was extensively fire bomded during the second world war. The stench of sewer gas, rotting garbage, and the acrid smell of ashes and scorched debris pervaded the air. The Japanese people had to live in the damp, and col d of the concrete buildings, because they were the only ones left. Little remained of the vulnerable wooden frame, tile roof dwelling lived in by most Japanese. When the first signs of winter set in, the occupation forces immediately took over all the s team-heated buildings. The Japanese were out in the cold in the first post war winter fuel was very hard to find, a family was considered lucky if they had a small barely glowing charcoal brazier to huddle around. That next summer in random spots new ho uses were built, each house was standardized at 216 square feet, and required 2400 board feet of material in order to be built. A master plan for a modernistic city had been drafted, but it was cast aside because of the lack of time before the next winte r. The thousands of people who lived in railroad stations and public parks needed housing. All the Japanese heard was democracy from the Americans. All they cared about was food. General MacAruther asked the government to send food, when they refus ed he sent another telegram that said, "Send me food, or send me bullets." American troops were forbidden to eat local food, as to keep from cutting from cutting into the sparse local supply. No food was was brought in expressly for the Japanese durning the first six months after the American presence there. Herbert Hoover, serving as chairman of a special presidential advisory committee, recommended minimum imports to Japan of 870,000 tons of food to be distributed in different urban areas. Fi sh, the source of so much of the protein in the Japanese diet, were no longer available in adequate quantities because the fishing fleet, particularly the large vessels, had been badly decimated by the war and because the U.S.S.R. closed off the fishing g rounds in the north. The most important aspect of the democratization policy was the adoption of a new constitution and its supporting legislation. When the Japanese government proved too confused or too reluctant to come up with a constitutional reform that satisfied MacArthur, he had his own staff draft a new constitution in February 1946. This, with only minor changes, was then adopted by the Japanese government in the form of an imperial amendment to the 1889 constitution and went into effect on May 3, 1947. The new Constitution was a perfection of the British parliamentary form of government that the Japanese had been moving toward in the 1920s. Supreme political power was assigned to the Diet. Cabinets were made responsible to the Diet by having the prime minister elected by the lower house. The House of Peers was replaced by an elected House of Councillors. The judicial system was made as independent of executive interference as possible, and a newly created supreme court was given the power to review the constitutionality of laws. Local governments were given greatly increased powers. The Emperor was reduced to being a symbol of the unity of the nation. Japanese began to see him in person. He went to hospitals, schools, mines, industrial plants; he broke ground for public buildings and snipped tape at the opening of gates and highways. He was steered here and there, shown things, and kept muttering, "Ah so, ah so." People started to call him "Ah-so-san." Suddenly the puybli c began to take this shy, ill-at-ease man to their hearts. They saw in him something of their own conqured selves, force to do what was alien to them.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing Routine How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster

Writing Routine How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster Writing Routine: How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster Writing routines arent easy to come byin fact, its one of the hardest parts of writing a book.Thats right. Its not coming up with a great book idea, its not forming the right words to bring that idea to lifeIts finishing the damn book.And that means forming a writing habit that will help you get it done despite your busy life and schedule. Thats why weve enlisted the help from Julie-Anne England, an author and busy mom of 4.For many years I dreamed of being an author. I love to write and there was something about the sound of â€Å"author† that made me desperately want to call myself that.I pictured my brand new life; holding my very own book in my hand, getting emails from people about how my book changed their life and my world opening up as a professional once I saw my name in print.Well, all this came true and more after I published my first book.This is how a writing habit through developing a writing routine helps you finish your book:Learn from those whove done it befor eCreate a time logPrioritize your time for a writing habitDecide your daily writing timePut your writing routine time in your plannerFind accountabilityStart your writing habit!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereCreating a Writing Habit is SimpleI’m here to tell you that it all comes down to creating a habit to make the time to actually write. You can daydream about your name in lights, write pages of goals and tasks and even design your perfect book cover but until you actually write†¦. you have nothing.If I can form a writing routine while also managing all of this..being the wife of a very busy (and very gorgeous) American man who works long hours, including weekends and evenings,mom of three children under the age of 8 who are with me. All.The.Time. (Yes I say that fondly mostly)homeschooling my childrenrunning 2, soon to be 3 blogs training for a marathonbringing my kids to swimming lessonsrunning bible study once a monthall the fun stuff that comes with running a home- cooking, cleaning, shopping so can you. Trust me, I understand busy!I say all this to say, it isn’t an excuse for never becoming an author. It all depends on how badly you want it.And I bet you want it, right? How much? The truth is, it isn’t as hard as you think.How to Build a Writing Routine and Stick to itHere are my best tips for creating the habit of writing. These tips will have your very first book in your hands in a few months time (if you stick to them).#1 Learn from those whove done it beforeOne thing that revolutionized my thoughts around time management was a book I read called 168 Hours: You have more time than you think by Laura Vanderkam.This book went into depth about how much time we actually spend doing daily tasks such as working, sleeping and watching TV by analyzing people’s day using a time log.One ke y takeaway is that people often underestimated how much they slept by a few hours and overestimated how much time they spent working. When it came to writing my very first book, I realized that I needed to be very intentional with my time and how I was using it.#2 Create a time logAfter reading 168 Hours, I took a hard look at how I could utilize what Id learned from Laura Vanderkam.I followed suit and created a time log of what I was doing for a couple of weeks and I realized something crucial. I really did need a better handle on what I was doing with my time. Maybe you do too.Start by jotting down what you are doing every day for a week in 15 minutes segments. Be honest. No one has to see this except you.Then start looking for areas where you could create more time for creating the life you want, ie. as a writer!We often spend a lot more time than we think on mundane tasks like this:Scrolling through our phone in the morningGetting ready for the day (shower, brushing teeth, etc. )Making/eating mealsWorking through meaningless/non-priority tasksTalking to others in person, on the phone, or onlineWatching TV(or worse) Looking for a show to watchThese are everyday occurrences that youre probably spending far too much time on than you think. Keeping a log will help you pinpoint where you can speed up or cut out unnecessary tasks to make more time for writing.#3 Prioritize your timeTake a look at your life and work out any free time that you could dedicate to writing.Yeah sure, you are really busy, but I bet that you wouldn’t miss much if you cut out that second TV show you watch every night. Or maybe spent a little less time on social media.Your time log will probably make it very clear which areas you could adjust.I honestly struggled to find time in my day to write. Even if there was a point that my kids were playing happily in the playroom, it was never a good writing time because with kids you get interrupted. Constantly.Even with removing time spent on social media and watching less TV, it still didn’t allow for uninterrupted writing time. So I had to be more creative.One great way to cut down on time spend on your phone, at least, is to use an app or software like Freedom.As seen in the example above, this app can help you solidify a writing routine by actually blocking your access to certain apps or websites in order to prevent you from going to them out of a bad habit.#4 Decide on your perfect daily writing timeThis may be as little as half an hour, but it needs to be every day (or at least 6 days a week).This is because creating a writing habit is so important in becoming a writer. Habits are things that almost happen on autopilot and that is exactly what you want. Cultivating a lifestyle and a habit of writing will make the writing go so much smoother than if you write here and there when you can fit it in.Here are a few things to think about when choosing your writing time:Will you be interrupted?Are there too ma ny distractions happening during that time?Can you be in a quiet, secluded space?Will you be in the right mindset to write during that time?I usually had a couple of hours at night once the kids were in bed but I found that I was too tired by this time and my writing wasn’t very good.I had to get super disciplined, so I chose to get up earlier to have uninterrupted time to write before the kids got up.You aren’t a morning person? Yeah, me either but sometimes you have to do the hard things to see the best things come into your life. Right now, its just after 5am and the house is peaceful and quiet. This is now my sacred productivity time.#5 Put your writing time into your daily plannerNo excuses! Use an alarm if you have to and make sure you will not get interrupted. Turn your phone on airplane mode and switch off your email pop-ups.Or use the Freedom app like I mentioned earlier.Then show up. Every time. If you don’t make this a priority, I can guarantee somet hing else will take the spot. And you will find yourself a year down the track still without your bookIf youre someone who works by an online calendar, even better! You can schedule your writing time daily and it will pop up on your computer or phone to help remind you to get some writing done like in this example:#6 Find accountabilityThe novel writing journey can be hard and lonely and there are many times where you may feel like giving up. This is when it is so important to have an accountability person ready to support you.Your accountability buddy will be aware of your goals and will keep you on track to accomplishing your daily and weekly tasks.This is what you can expect from an accountability buddy:They know and understand your goalsThey want to see you succeedThey arent afraid to be real with you and tell you when you need to get it togetherThey will encourage you in ways that work for youThey will meet with you regularly to check-in and help solve problemsChoose someone w ho you know will be supportive in your journey and who will push you when necessary. Even better if you can have someone who has written and even published a book themselves.When I was writing my first book, my accountability buddy was amazing.She checked up on me regularly to find out if I had accomplished what I said I would and encouraged me to keep going. She pushed me when I didn’t feel like sticking to my plan. Don’t skip this step, it is so important! Add it to your to-do-list for today â€Å"Get accountability buddy†!And if youre not sure where to find an accountability partner, Self-Publishing School has a Mastermind Community filled with writers in the very same stage as you in addition to experts to help you along the way, as you can see from the example above.#7 Start writing!When I first started getting up at 5am, I dreaded it. Like I said, I’m not (or actually wasn’t) a morning person.Now I actually get excited about having a couple of hours of time all to myself. This is when I work on my goals and become the person I want to be.Now it’s a habit and in less than 6 months I have written a book, gone through editing and formatting, launched, watched my book take #1 spot on Amazon in the self-help category AND am busy with book number two!Your dream life really isn’t as far away as your think. When you make the decision to take control and you turn up day in and day out, that’s when the miracles will occur.Don’t waste your life with excuses no matter how valid they might be.Being an author is one of the best things I ever did (and I’ve been to Disneyland!). It showed me that I could do something I set my mind to. It taught me that I could overcome obstacles.It ingrained the importance of creating a new habit and sticking to it. And now I have a legacy to leave my children.You can do it too! You have something powerful and exciting inside you that needs to get on paper. Share you r story with the world. And when you take this first step, you will never look back!Are you ready to start your writing routine TODAY?Dont wait another day! The key to starting a writing habit is starting now and committing to not only yourself but to those who your book will help and guide.Check out this free training for how to write a book and outline your book TODAY!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Genetically modified food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Genetically modified food - Essay Example As per the current scientific situation, most foods that are as a result of genetic modifications come from plants, but as time goes by, attempts are being made in order to come with foods from plants or animals that contain microbial genes and improved characteristics (Kim, 2009). Most of the genetically modified food crops are produced so as maximize on their yield while at the same time allowing for introduction of resistance genes that help in surviving during infection with diseases. Other genes may also be introduced so as to increase tolerance of the plant to herbicides while at the same time having high yields. It is prospected that this genetic modification at some point will be aimed at making changes on the nutrient content of the genetically altered foods and at least minimizing the potential of some foods to cause allergic reactions. It is however important to perform assessments of all genetically modified foods before they are brought into the market for human consumption since any mistakes done during the process of generating the GMOs may have a fatal effect on huge numbers of people (Kawata, Murakami & Ishikawa, 2009). The first step in the process of manufacture of genetically modified foods involves isolation of the specific genes of interest from heir well-known sources. It is therefore essential that prior knowledge on the structure, role and positional location of the particular gene required for the unique traits is available. Such a trait or genetic characteristic for example may be the trait of drought resistance or resistance to attack by insects. This step is followed by insertion of the isolated gene of interest into a selected vector and in most cases the vector used is the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The gene insert that contains the gene of interest is inserted into the plasmid of the vector by use of an alternative in the various

Friday, October 18, 2019

Art 1A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art 1A - Essay Example Small bronze statues were commonly found in every sanctuary in Greece. The Statuette of a Horse is one among these small sculptures. It is made out of bronze which measures 3 1/8† x 1 3/8† & 2 3/16†. It is typically molded as shown by its form. Minute details on the surface, however, were less apparent as the artifact was aged as observed by its surface texture. The artist showed both abstract style and naturalistic approach in this particular work. The artist was not so particular with the details of the artwork. The abstract characteristics of the statuette are shown by the long head, the small body and other features. Several works were found in Greece that showed similar approaches and style including the use of the horse as a subject which was evidence of naturalist idea. Although, less emphasis were given on naturalistic rendering but rather on details of some specific parts of the body as shown by the long legs which may have represented some characteristics the sculpture was made to symbolize. The artist might have petitioned agility and speed. It could be an offering to appease the Gods. Or it could be for something else. The maker of the artwork is unknown but the perforated base suggests that it was made in Southern Greece where this style was mostly observed based on literatures. The style was most common during the Geometric Period (8th century BCE) and the early archaic era which began in the early seventh century BC. Particularly, this sculpture was believed to be crafted during 750-700 BCE based on the Getty Museum record. During the Archaic period artists preferred the use of bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) against pure copper because of its ability to be molded easily. It is a known fact that bronze would stay liquid longer than pure copper when melted. This characteristic is considered advantageous to the delicate artist of those

Google's Strategic and Human Resource Management and Planning in a Essay

Google's Strategic and Human Resource Management and Planning in a Global Environment - Essay Example It is important for leaders in the 21st century to have the knowledge of how to treat employees so that they can be able to realize the organizational goals together and faster. Strategic human resource management aims at helping leaders’ to use their human capital effectively as they make decisions daily and plan for employment programs. Many companies have sought cheap labor from different countries but the strategy seems to fail in achieving the goals of the organization thus has called for the need to come up with the global ways of practicing the human resource strategies. The Google management is yet to meet more challenges in the current century. It is important for it to be flexible, easily adapt to changes and appreciate team work with its employees. Today, very many people are looking for working environments where they can exercise their skills and knowledge but not where they can only follow instructions and not grow in their careers. For this purpose the global human resource planning has been brought forward in the Google Company to help the management to know how they can adopt to changes to avoid the future challenges it is yet to fac e (Goodman, chapter 4 ). The business world is becoming more global than before thus there is need for the organizations to ensure that the human resource strategies meet the global requirements of the labor market. Google is an international company and it has international labor. Thus the management faces a lot of changes especially in their organizational culture. Organizational culture can be defined as the specific beliefs and values of an organization. Google like any other organization has a way of doing things and it faces the challenges of changing its culture due to technological changes and other changes such as people being more aware of their rights. When an organization is rigid thus keeps its culture without changing it to cope with the current changes, then that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparison of two books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparison of two books - Essay Example urther, many institutions such as the military organizations, the Catholic Church, and also in business conglomerates (the glass ceiling) practice gender discrimination through a variety of ways to subjugate and dominate women by overt and subtle means. The military excluded the women from combat roles and officership positions until only recently while the Catholic hierarchy does not ordain female priests, and many global corporations still practice gender discrimination despite the efforts of feminists to break the glass ceiling and join the boards of their companies (women workers in general receive lower pay and in lower positions). In her eye-opening book titled â€Å"Lydias Open Door: Inside Mexicos Most Modern Brothel† author Patty Kelly managed to document a hidden industry which that countrys political leaders proudly touted as an example of their nations march towards modernization and globalization through neo-liberalism by modernizing its prostitution industry through the so-called proper monitoring of the health of its prostitutes, professionalizing its practice by a series of regulations, and in many ways euphemistically â€Å"helping† these women from being further exploited by criminal gangs because now they work under government supervision. While female prostitutes sell their bodies for sex acts, they also perpetuate their own subjugation by a male-dominated society. This is why feminists have waged a vigorous and continuing campaign against prostitution (legal or not) but this practice will still persist if the women themselves do not do something against it. The government of Mexico, in particular a local or municipal government unit in the state of Chiapas in the barrio of Tuxtla Gutierrez, had conceived of a â€Å"brilliant† idea to formally legalize prostitution ostensibly to regulate this commercial sex street-level activity into a modern form of experiment in social hygiene. The proclaimed objective is to protect female prostitutes but end

Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Affirmative Action - Essay Example With this decision, the Supreme Court overturned its previous rulings in the precedents by transferring the full burden of proof to the worker. In other words, the employee should prove that he was dismissed primarily and solely because of his age (the protection of the law applies to employees above 40 years old). In this case, the Court has made it more difficult for employees to pursue age discrimination cases successfully. Employers possess all the records and information on the employee’s history, with the capability of concealing them entirely, since employers would not need to lift a finger to prove their case. The employee, on the other hand, would rarely be in possession of the documentary data needed to prove an allegation of discrimination. After all, discrimination exists in the mind of the decision-maker, and with only testamentary accounts to back up his claim, the employee is put at a distinct disadvantage to the employer. Furthermore, the employer possesses much greater resources than the worker, and risks very little in accommodating the employee back into his payroll should he lose the case, while the worker’s entire livelihood and subsistence is at stake. The tenets of social justice thus imposes upon the court to even the odds by imposing the burden of evidence on the employer when the minimum requirement is proven by the worker. The economic recession is increasingly taking a toll on the nation’s workforce as more and more business find it necessary to resort to layoffs in an effort to downsize. It has been observed, however, that employers have resorted to a â€Å"last one in, first one out† policy when it comes to selecting those workers who have to go. Instead of letting the older employees – who receive higher salaries because of their seniority in the company – go, companies elect instead to separate those who are in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparison of two books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparison of two books - Essay Example urther, many institutions such as the military organizations, the Catholic Church, and also in business conglomerates (the glass ceiling) practice gender discrimination through a variety of ways to subjugate and dominate women by overt and subtle means. The military excluded the women from combat roles and officership positions until only recently while the Catholic hierarchy does not ordain female priests, and many global corporations still practice gender discrimination despite the efforts of feminists to break the glass ceiling and join the boards of their companies (women workers in general receive lower pay and in lower positions). In her eye-opening book titled â€Å"Lydias Open Door: Inside Mexicos Most Modern Brothel† author Patty Kelly managed to document a hidden industry which that countrys political leaders proudly touted as an example of their nations march towards modernization and globalization through neo-liberalism by modernizing its prostitution industry through the so-called proper monitoring of the health of its prostitutes, professionalizing its practice by a series of regulations, and in many ways euphemistically â€Å"helping† these women from being further exploited by criminal gangs because now they work under government supervision. While female prostitutes sell their bodies for sex acts, they also perpetuate their own subjugation by a male-dominated society. This is why feminists have waged a vigorous and continuing campaign against prostitution (legal or not) but this practice will still persist if the women themselves do not do something against it. The government of Mexico, in particular a local or municipal government unit in the state of Chiapas in the barrio of Tuxtla Gutierrez, had conceived of a â€Å"brilliant† idea to formally legalize prostitution ostensibly to regulate this commercial sex street-level activity into a modern form of experiment in social hygiene. The proclaimed objective is to protect female prostitutes but end

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Network Rail a not for profit company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Network Rail a not for profit company - Essay Example The privatization of British Network Rail was the outcome of the â€Å"Railways Act 1993† legislated in the governing session of â€Å"John Majors† conservative regime. In the year 1991, the European Union formulated â€Å"EU Directive 91/440† in array to facilitate the admittanceThis act directed all EU affiliate states to split â€Å"the administration of railway maneuver and network from the stipulation of railway carrying services, partition of accounts being obligatory and managerial division being discretionary.†The main motive was that the â€Å"track operator† could charge the train operator irrespective of public or privatized with a translucent and reasonable fee against utilization of its network. The â€Å"Directive 91/440† was primarily only an accounting way of assuring an echelon playing-field for serving rail operators and novel businesses inflowing the market of rail transportation. (Green, 1997) Though, â€Å"Directive 91/4 40† presented the British regime with an explanation for hauling away a faraway added theatrical restructuring of the railway business whereas at the same occasion being capable to offer on a number of â€Å"opprobrium† to other European states. As per the amendment of the Railways Act 1993, it was anticipated that the introduction of private players. Some of the anticipations from the privatization are: (Transport, Railway Reform: Regulation of Freight Transport Markets, 2001)Superior Consumer Service Quality: Rail privatization was intended to develop patron service.

Milgrams Obedience Experiment Essay Example for Free

Milgrams Obedience Experiment Essay In the 1960s, Milgram, then a professor at Yale, recruited ordinary people through a newspaper ad offering them money to help in a project purporting to improve human memory. In Milgrams experiment two people come into the laboratory where they are told they will be taking part in a study of memory and learning. Milgram was interested in how people obey under authoritative circumstances, using fake settings to test obedience. Under any given circumstance people tend to obey authority differently. Milgram tested this theory out by putting his volunteers into a laboratory setting and having them pressing a button shocking the other person for a wrong answer . Most of Milgrams volunteers went through the experiment, not wanting to disobey the authority figure. The volunteers in Milgrams experiment were fighting their subconscious minds. The person had complete power over the other individual, whom he could punish whenever he saw fit. The subject had to decide if what they were doing was right (causing pain to another). This study suggests to me that, rightly managed, a cohesive group with an authoritative leader can find people who will do almost anything. The thing I found interesting while reading about Milgrams Obedience experiment was the deception that took place. Right from the start, the subject was deceived by the motives of Milgrams experiment. It is not an experiment on the affect of electric shocks on learning, it was an experiment aiming to see how far the subject would be willing to go, when instructed by an authoritative figure. To me his experiment seems like one a doctor would use to determine the effects of a new drug on a group of people. While some are giving the real drug others are giving placebos or fake pills. In Milgrams experiment, people are led to believe that they are shocking the other person for a wrong answer and increasing the voltage after each shock when they really were not. The button that they push to deliver that shock would be the placebo button placed there to make the  person think that they were really inflicting harm on the other person. The purpose of the study was to determine the degree to which a person will be obedient to an authoritys orders or requests if they do not agree with the requests being made. This situation occurs in many aspects of society, including the military, employer/employee situations, and most disturbingly,  Nazi  Germany. I think that this experiment shows just how sadistic one can be if one wishes to be.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Simplified Soft Decision Decoding of LDPC codes

Simplified Soft Decision Decoding of LDPC codes MARUTHI L N K S GURUMURTHY Abstract LDPC codes gained importance since its re-discovery by Mackay and Neil based on Tanner Graph. This paper presents the implementation of forward error correction soft-input, soft-output decoding process that efficiently decodes the received set of data under low signal-to-noise ratios due to which the errors are reduced and hence transmission time is greatly reduced. The implemented algorithm is less complex and does not require knowledge of signal-to-noise-ratio of the received data-path. INTRODUCTION Error correction coding techniques came into existence after existence of channel capacity theorem by Shannon, the father of information theory in 1948 on reliable communication over noisy transmission channels. Thereafter, many coding techniques were developed for efficient coding techniques, like Hamming, Golay and many other techniques were developed. Though Gallagher in 1962 developed LDPC codes, the method employed was not optimal. Hence it was not reviewed for last 3 decades, until 1992, when a paper â€Å"Near Shannon limit error correcting coding and decoding: turbo codes† presented by Berrou, Glavieux and Thitimajshima changed the trend followed by researchers for the past 5 decades. And now, we are aiming to develop such codes through another strategy. The coding gain provided by this method is much higher when compared to other coding systems. The LDPC codes are becoming more popular because of their reduced power for transmission and less complex logic to achieve l ow BER’s which is very essential for reliable transmission over noisy channels. LDPC CODES Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are a powerful class of forward error correction codes developed by Gallagher in 1962, practically implemented by MacKay in 1995. Low Density refers to less number of 1’s in the Parity Check Matrix (H) of Block Codes. Block codes are a type of Error Correction Codes which uses a Generator Matrix(G) to produces a Code-word of length n for message(D) of length k, where n-k is the redundancy bits added to make a Code-word of length n, higher the redundancy higher the error correction capability and higher the Bandwidth. Hence, there is a trade-off between error correction capability and bandwidth. C=D.G The size of the Matrix G is (n, n-k) and the size of the Matrix H is (n-k, n). Usually redundancy is defined by the term â€Å"code rate† which is given by R=k/n This varies from  ½ to 1/6. The Encoder produces a Code-word which satisfy the condition C.HT=0 If R is the received data from the Transmitter then the acknowledgement of the correct data received is given by the Syndrome(S). S=R.HT The value of S obtained by the above calculation determines whether the received data is free from error or not, i.e. if S=0 then the received data is free from error, otherwise the received data has an error. Since this property is very useful to reduce the calculation time if we receive the data correctly as soon as we receive data. The probability that the received data needs to be retransmitted which in the range of 10-6 to 10-8. Encoding the data as required is an easy process, but decoding the data effectively and efficiently is a very hard process. The proposed algorithm uses the basic concept of block codes, i.e. R=C+E Where R=noise corrupted vector C=Code vector transmitted over noisy channel E=Error vector. The receiver does not know C and E; its function is to decode C from R, and the message D from C. PROPOSED ALGORITHM The base for LDPC decoding algorithm proposed is as described by MacKay and Neil in 1997. Following are the steps that briefly describe the algorithm STEP 1: INITIALIZATION Let rj be the received vector, i.e. the data received from the Gaussian channel We calculate the components of the vectors d02( j), and d12( j) as: d02( j)= (rj+1)2 d12( j)= (rj-1)2 j = 1, 2, . . . , n (1) These first soft estimates of the code symbols are used to initialise the algorithm by setting the following coefficients q0ij and q1ij at each symbol node q0ij= d02( j) q1ij= d12( j) j = 1, 2, . . . , n, i = 1, 2. . . , . n-k, (2) To eliminate the effect of zero in the calculation the expressions for the calculations can be reduced as shown below ln(em+en) = max(m,n) + ln(1+ e-|m-n|) log2(2m+2n) = max(m,n) + ln(1+ 2-|m-n|)(3) The tables required for calculations are computed using the above formula. The complexity is greatly reduced and the reliability of the transmission of signal is increased. STEP 2: HORIZONTAL STEP aij= f+(q0ij , q1 ij ) bij= −f−(q0ij , q1ij) if (−q 0ij ) ≠¥ (−q1ij ) sij= 0 else sij= 1 cij= ikik if ik is even r0n,ij= −f+(0, cij ) r1n,ij= f−(0, cij ) if ik is odd r0n,ij= f−(0, cij ) r1n,ij= −f+(0, cij ) STEP 3: VERTICAL STEP q0ij= d02 (j) + 0n,ij q1ij= d12 (j) + 1n,ij STEP 4: DECISION rm0ij=r0n,ij+ q0ij rm1ij=r1n,ij+ q1ij if rm02(j)12(j) then c(j) = 1 else c(j) = 0 The LUT entries used in the proposed algorithm for equation (3) and the exact value obtained will vary as shown in the figure. Comparison of BER performance of (8 * 12) LDPC SSD decoder (10 iterations) Comparison of BER performance of (8 * 12) LDPC SSD decoder (50 iterations) As explained above, for higher precision the number of iterations is increased to obtain the same performance of the exact equation. The obtained results approach towards the complex algorithm developed by Gallagher with simple iterative approach and provides a high coding gain compared to uncoded signal. And it provides higher performance at larger iterations. This algorithm provides even higher performance for large length codes. CONCLUSION In this paper we have described Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes and decoding of these codes using low complexity algorithms. LDPC codes are used now-a-days in communication systems that take advantage of parallelism, good error correction and high through put. This led to the new algorithm which could decode the errors and yet give similar BER performance as the complex algorithms without the knowledge of the channel noise parameters like variance. This new algorithm is based on repeated use of an antilog-sum operation, and has been simulated on the Tanner graph representation of several LDPC codes and this algorithm can be regarded as a generalized form of belief propagation, where the belief propagated is Euclidean distance estimate rather than a probability estimate. The advantages of the new algorithm are that the performance is as good as the complex algorithm provided the value of base of the logarithm is used properly; that knowledge of noise is not required and that in the simplified form the algorithm needs only additions/subtractions, comparisons and two look-up tables avoiding the use of quotients and products operations that are of high complexity in practical implementations especially using FPGA technology. REFERENCES 1] R.G. Gallager, â€Å"Low Density Parity Check Codes†, IRE Trans. Information Theory, IT-8, 21-28 (1962). 2] D.J.C. Mackay and R.M. Neal, â€Å"Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes,† Electronics Letters, vol. 33, pp 457-458 (1997). 3] L. Arnone, C. Gayaso, C. Gonzalez and J. Castineira, â€Å"Sum-Subtract Fixed Point LDPC Decoder,† Latin American Applied Research, vol. 37, pp 17-20 (2007). 4] Castineira Moreira, Farrell P.G.: â€Å"Essentials of error control coding†, Wiley (2006). 5] Castineira Moreira J., Farrell, P.G.: â€Å"Soft-decision SISO decoding of error-control codes†, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on telecommunications (SENACITEL ’08), Valdivia, Chile, 12-15 November 2008. 6] L. Arnone, Castineira Moreira, Farrell P.G.: â€Å"FPGA implementation of a Euclidean distance metric SISO decoder,† Int. Symposium on communication theory and applications (ISCTA’09), Ambleside, UK, July 2009. 7] P.G. Farrell, L.Arnone, J. Castineira Moreira: â€Å"Euclidean distance soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm for low density parity check codes,† IET comm. Vol.5, Iss. 16, pp. 2364-2370, (2011). 8] J. Castineira Moreira, M. Rabini, C. Gonzalez, C. Gayaso, L. Arnone: â€Å"FPGA implementation of two very low complexity LDPC decoders,† IEEE papers, (2011). 9] Simon Haykin: â€Å"Digital communications†, John Wiley sons (2006). 10] Bernard Sklar, Pabitra K. Ray: â€Å"Digital communications: fundamentals and applications†, 2nd edn. Pearson education (2009). 11] Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello Jr.: â€Å"Error Control coding†, 2nd edn. Pearson education (2004). 12] Moon T. K.: â€Å"Error correction coding- mathematical methods and algorithms†, Wiley (2005).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

U.S. Foreign Policy Essay -- Politics Government

Throughout the course of history, the United States has remained consistent with its national interest by taking many different actions in foreign policy. There have been both immediate and long term results of these actions. Foreign policy is the United States policy that defines how we deal with other countries economically and politically. It is made by congress, the president, and the people. Some of the motivations for United States foreign policy are national security, economics, and idealism. The United States entry into World War I in 1917 and the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964 and the both had great impact on the United States. A major type of foreign policy in the 1964 was containment. The Vietnam War was fought between the communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The United States supported South Vietnam and other communist countries supported North Vietnam. In 1950, the United States were scared of the domino effect and didn?t want to become communist. The United States, at this point, offers 2.5 billion dollars to aid France. The United States involvement in Vietnam had begun. By 1969 the United States had 543,000 troops in Vietnam engaged in a war to try to end communist containment. The escalation of the War in Vietnam was a direct result of the inability of the U.S. to make a firm commitment during the early stages of the conflict. In 1954, the battle of Dien Bien Phu was fought. This forced the French to retreat. In 1964, an American ship was attacked by the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin. Congress then issues the Tonkin Resolution. The Tonkin Resolution granted President L yndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country. In 1965, Americas first combat ... ...1919, World War I was offically over. The Treaty of Versailles was signed blaming the war on Germany. It made new nations and dimiliterized Germany. As a result of the treaty, the League of Nations was established. The goals of the League of Nations was to have international organization, improving global quality of life, and to avoid war. Foreign relations are highly complex and controversial. Everything, such as, formal and informal contacts with other nations and social and cultural contacts have to be recognized when a foreign policy is established. The United States have taken many different foreign policy actions since 1890. Some have been successful and some have not. Both internationaltion and containment were very important foreign policies but there were many more. Isolationism and Imperialism aslo had a huge impact on how America is today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

godfater character comparison Essay examples -- essays research papers

Comparison of the Characters Michael Sonny in â€Å"The Godfather† At a first glance Michael and Sonny appear to be quite different. Upon further observation, however, they do have some similarities. Although they are very different in their personality, values, and tempers, they are similar in areas of loyalty, their respect for their father, and their strong family ties. Their personalities are a study in contrasts. Sonny is brash and arrogant, where as Michael is calm and cool. When Don Corleone was in the hospital and Sonny was placed in charge, the family became kind of careless. He didn’t seem to care what could happen due to his actions. He wanted to kill the police captain and didn’t think about the repercussions. Tom has to tell him that it wouldn't be good to kill a cop, but they end up doing it anyway. I think Michael was pushed into it because of his loyalty to the family. He is more calculating in manner. Near the end when he "takes care of all the family business" on the day of the Baptism is a prime example of this. Because he was this way, the objects of his violence had no idea that it was coming. Their senses of values are also very dissimilar. Michael is a man of honor. He doesn't run around having affairs with different women. He only marries twice because his first wife was killed in the explosion. Sonny is an adulterer. He is with another woman during his sisters wedding, along with a few other times throughout the movie. The two brothers h...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dementia Awareness Essay

1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘Dementia’ The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem solving or language. These changes are often small to start with but for someone with dementia they have become severe enough to effect daily life. A person with dementia may also experience changes in their mood or behaviour. 1.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia. The key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia are Temporal Lobe – Responsible for vision, memory, language, hearing, learning. Frontal Lobe – Responsible for decision making, Problem solving, controlling behaviour and emotions. Parietal Lobe – Responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness. Occipital Lobe – Responsible for processing information related to vision. Cerebrum Lobe – This is the biggest part of the brain, Its role is memory, attention, thought and our consciousness, senses and movement. Hippocampus – Responsible for memory forming, organizing, storing and emotions. 1.3 Explain why Depression, Delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for Dementia. Delirium, Dementia and Depression are disorders that are often confused by care-givers as they are complex and patients can be afflicted with more than one of the conditions at the same time. Although often coincidence they are entirely separate conditions. Delirium is an acute but reversible state of confusion occurring in up to 50 percent of older post-surgical patients. Dementia is an irreversible decline of mental abilities which affects 5-10 percent of the population over age 65, with incidence doubling every 5 years after 65. Depression is a mood disorder which affects 16 percent of the population although it is often unrecognised. 2.1 Outline the medical model of dementia The medical model focuses on the impairment as the problem and focuses on a cure, these may be dependency, restriction of choice, disempowering and devaluing individuals. 2.2 Outline the social model of dementia. This is personal centred, focusing on the rights of the individual, in turn empowering the individual, promoting independence, giving choice and looking at what the individual is able to do. 2.3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability. Individuals who have dementia are not aware of requirements for living. They can forget to do the essential things that are vital. Taking medicines, hygiene and even eating are often forgotten. They can get lost or hurt and not understand what is necessary to correct a situation. Individuals cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult which is why dementia should be viewed as a disability. 3.1 List the most common causes of dementia. The most common causes of dementia are – Alzheimer’s disease – This is the most common cause of dementia. During the course of the disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular Dementia – If the oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following  a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. Dementia with Lewy Bodies – This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside nerve cells. Their presence in the brain leads to the degeneration of brain tissue. Fronto–temporal Dementia – In fronto-temporal dementia, damage is usually focused in the front part of the brain. Personality and behaviour are initially more affected than memory. 3.2 Describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia. Dementia is a collection of symptoms including memory loss, personality change, and impaired intellectual functions resulting from disease or trauma to the brain. These changes are not part of normal aging and are severe enough to impact daily living, independence, and relationships. With dementia, there will likely be noticeable decline in communication, learning, remembering, and problem solving. These changes may occur quickly or very slowly over time. The progression and outcome of dementia vary, but are largely determined by the type of dementia and which area of the brain is affected. Diagnosis is possible through advanced brain imaging, clinical examinations, and diagnostic testing. 3.3 Outline the risk factors for the most common causes of dementia. The greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s is advancing age. Most individuals with the disease are age 65 or older. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s doubles about every five years after age 65. After age 85, the risk reaches nearly 50 percent. One of the greatest mysteries of Alzheimer’s disease is why risk rises so dramatically as we grow older. Another strong risk factor is family history. Those who have a parent, brother, sister or children with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop the disease. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness. When diseases tend to run in families, either heredity (genetics) or environmental factors, or both, may play a role. In general, the risk factors for vascular dementia are the same as those for heart disease and  stroke. Risk factors for vascular dementia include: Increasing age. History of heart attack, stroke or mini strokes. Atherosclerosis. High cholesterol. High blood pressur e. Diabetes. Smoking and Atrial fibrillation. Although the cause of Lewy body dementia isn’t clear, several factors appear to increase the risk of developing the disease. They include: Being older than 60. Being male & having a family member with Lewy body dementia. Many degenerative neurological diseases do not have a strong genetic component, but Fronto–temporal Dementia is believed to be an exception, with a high familial component compared to other instances of dementia. Unlike in other forms of dementia, however, there are no nutritional deficiencies or other habits that increase the likelihood of developing Fronto–temporal Dementia. Instead, risk factors for developing Fronto–temporal Dementia include: Mutations in the MAPT and/or GRN genes of chromosome 17, a family history of Fronto–temporal Dementia. 3.4 Identify prevalence rates for different types of dementia. The Prevalence’s of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease dementia, and other dementias – Overall, 72% of the dementias were of Alzheimer type, 16% were vascular dementia, 6% were Parkinson’s disease dementia, and 5% were other dementias. 4.1 Describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia depending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability. Dementia is not a disease but a set of symptoms which decreases the ability to think, memory and communication skills of human beings. It also declines the skills that needed to carry out daily activities. There are many causes of dementia. Few are :  · Alzheimer’s disease  · Vascular disease  · Lewy body disease  · Front temporal disorders  · Parkinson’s disease  · Depending on the form of dementia people’s ability and disability fluctuates. It is not necessarily to think that people with dementia are always forgetful. Like, people with Fronto-temporal dementia are very less forgetful than Alzheimer disease. Their memory remains intact but their personality and behaviour noticeably changes. Dementia with Lewy bodies interrupts the brain’s normal  functioning and affect the person’s memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinson’s disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. People with vascular dementia may suffer from incontinence or seizure where other types of dementia may not affect those. However level of ability and disability depend on individual’s age and condition of dementia. People who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60’s-70’s are less dependable than people living with dementia at the age or over 70’s or 80’s. People have different stamina in different ages. So, their ability and disability fluctuated and level of support are varied as well 4.2 Outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviour of others may have on an individual with dementia Dementia can have a big impact on a person’s behaviour. It can make them feel anxious, lost, confused and frustrated. Although each person with dementia handles these feelings in their own way, certain behaviour is common in people with the disease. This includes: †¢ repeating questions or carrying out an activity over and over again †¢ walking and pacing up and down †¢ Aggression, shouting and screaming †¢ becoming suspicious of other people If you are experiencing these behaviours, or are looking after someone who behaves in this way, it’s important to remember that this is an attempt to communicate how they’re feeling and that they are not being deliberately difficult. If you stay calm and work out why they’re expressing themselves in this way, you may be able to calm them down.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Religion & Historical Background of Young Goodman Brown Essay

There are times when religion and innocence are questioned. Some people may argue that heritage can be a deciding factor in how religion can play a major role in how we view one another. The story Young Goodman Brown was the outcome of Hawthorne’s experience through his young adulthood, which was heavily impacted by the historical background of his family. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, to a family of Puritan colonists. Hawthorne’s paternal distant grandfather, John Hathorne, whom was a judge in the Salem Witch Trials, troubled Nathaniel so much, that he added the W to his last name to separate himself from the family. 1 Some readers could argue after reading this story, knowing the history of the Salem Witch Trials, and knowing things about Nathaniel Hawthorne, he showed the hypocrisy of the Puritan faith through the events that happened throughout the story. One example of how Hawthorne’s heritage, specifically the background of the â€Å"judge,† played a role in the story through events that occurred, was at the beginning of the story when Brown, the main character, met with the traveler, also known as the â€Å"devil,† and discovered that the devil had possibly been affiliated with his family. 2 Brown stated in the story that he was â€Å"surprised that his family had never spoken of this, because if rumor had made its way to the town that the family was affiliated with the devil, they would have cast them from New England,† just as the individuals in the Salem Witch Trials were hanged, because they were believed to be affiliated with the devil, and using the Devil’s Magic. Hawthorne used his experience with the Puritan background in the story, with the description of the woods as being a dark place, portraying that the â€Å"woods† is where the devil resided, and that the â€Å"woods† is where evil deeds took place.3 Hawthorne also used the sounds of the creaking of trees, the howling of wild beasts, and the yell of Indians that Brown heard, as another way to show that evil resided in the woods. The Puritans’ belief was that the devil was responsible for every evil deed that took place, whether it was through witchcraft, or through rituals thought to be satanic.5 An example of this was the ritual that the devil performed towards the end of the story to try and convert Brown and his wife from the Puritan belief.6 Another example of how Hawthorne’s heritage and the Puritan belief were  portrayed in the story, was shown when Brown was describing his opinion of Goody Cloyse, and of his father. He stated in the story that he was surprised that Goody was in the woods, especially at night. Brown made the statement, â€Å"A marvel, truly that Goody Cloyse should be so far in the wilderness at nightfall.† Brown had also made a comment earlier in the story about his father being honest and a good Christian by stating, â€Å"My father never went into the woods on such an errand, nor his father before him. We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of the martyrs.† Brown thought highly of both of his father and fellow acquaintance, Goody, and believed they were both strong in their faith. Whether or not all the events that took place throughout the story were a dream or reality for Brown, Hawthorne used the devil’s ritual to reveal that even the good Puritan townspeople that Brown thought were superior than he, are apt to commit sin. Hawthorne also showed that religion can play a role in how we view one another. Works Cited (1) Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown. New England: New England Magazine, 1835. Pgs. 1131-1141 in Making Literature Matter (2) Blumberg, Jess. â€Å"A Brief History of The Salem Witch Trials.†, 2007. (3) White, Ellen Brooks. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Salem.† Miscellany: Life and Literature:, 2012-2013.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Case study effective leaders Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effective leaders - Case Study Example Often, the variation is attributed to the leadership as well as the type of people these two types of leaders govern. Extraverted leadership often involves commanding the center of attention by not only being outgoing and assertive, but also bold, talkative as well as dominant. Introverted leadership, on the other hand, involves listening to other people’s opinion before making any decision in an organization. In relation to this, the paper expounds on extraverts are not the best bosses. In relation to this description, it is apparent that pairing extraverted leaders with employees who speak out often result in a conflict. On the other hand, it is evidenced that paring introverted leaders with employees who speak out result to high productivity. In regard to this claim, one can affirm that introverted managers have the potential of maximizing the productivity of proactive employees. In other words, extraverted managers can only work best with passive employees. Unfortunately, passive behaviors are not important in a dynamic as well as uncertain economy (Analyzing Effective Leaders, 2010). Extraverted leaders are the main contributors of low innovativeness and activeness of employees. Such leaders often feel threatened by the activeness of employees; they fear employee proactivity. In tandem with this claim, it is evident that pairing of such leaders with proactive employees hampers with the success of an organization. In most occasions, proactive employees lose the morale of working hard when responded to in a less receptive way by an extraverted leader. Additionally, the poor relationship between extraverted leader and employees make employees mean in that they avoid sharing ideas that could enhance creativity and innovation. Personality conflicts in most organizations are also as a result of the practice of extraverted leadership. These conflicts frequently result to a power struggle within organization

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tourism, Leisure and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tourism, Leisure and Society - Essay Example In order to find better understand in the potential contribution of the definitions of leisure and tourism, it would be necessary to present the key approaches, that were used for defining the above two concepts. This essay uses the critical comparison of these definitions, that would reveal whether there is such relationship or not and which are its key characteristics. In this essay different approaches are identified by the researcher, regarding the definition of leisure. It seems that the criteria used by theorists and presented in the essay in order to decide on the elements and the scope of leisure are differentiated are being influenced by a series of factors – referring to both the personal perceptions of the researchers and the trends or ethics of the social environment in which each of these definitions has been developed. At this point, author divides the approaches used into four major categories. First one is related to a time period, second one is related to a particular activity, third one is related to the state of mind and the last one is related to a particular mode of action. To conclude this essay, the researcher sums up definitions of tourism and leisure and reveal the points at which these two concepts interact. At the same time, these definitions reveal the following fact: the understanding of the relationship between tourism and leisure requires the reference to the characteristics of each of these concepts and these characteristics, as explained in this essay, can vary.

Monday, October 7, 2019

G.W. Bush and the Decision to Invade Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

G.W. Bush and the Decision to Invade Iraq - Essay Example After the attack of the 9/11, the greatest terrorist attack of the world so far, America took many diplomatic plunges and tried to sort out the scores through negotiations at the first and Jimmy Carter’s stand on the war against Iraq as a last resort with more alternatives being sought after initially. President Truman was trying to establish and dictate the American supremacy during the Cold War situation and a threat from the Soviet Block initiated the decision of launching the devastating nuclear weapon on Japan. On the contrary, the decision of invading Iraq by George W. Bush was a very calculated move as patience of America was displayed at the outset through negotiations and diplomacies of myriad types, even when America was passing through very trying times at the wake of 9/11 attacks on the nation. During the reign of Truman, the decision used to get impended on the grounds of exploring nuclear weapons at the closure of the war. With the change of time, now the great and powerful nations along with their highly skilled diplomats and great charismatic leaders need to rethink time and again on the issue of simply raging the war across the borders. All the nations are aware and are equipped with nuclear power and more dangerous chemical and biological weapons as well. A slightest ignorance and reluctance on the issue of using these weapons can lead to the destruction of the entire human race. Therefore, after the explosion of the first and most devastating nuclear attacks, treaties and agreements have condoned the development of nuclear technology and practice across the globe (The White House, â€Å"Multi-front Operation, 2001 Video & Timeline President Delivers State of the Union Address†). â€Å"Multi-front Operation, 2001 Video & Timeline President Delivers State of the Union Address.† State of the Union. The White House, 2002. Web. 16 Jul. 2013.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reserch proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reserch proposal - Essay Example ning to the emergence of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) from the approach of conventional Human Resource Management (HRM) will be provided. According to Armstrong (2006,) human resource is linked with strategic goals to improve the over performance of business and to develop such an organizational culture that fosters flexibility, innovation, as well as competitive advantage. For a company, SHRM refers to viewing functions of HR and accepting those functions as a strategic partner of the company that involves in implementation and formation of business strategies through activities like Training, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisal etc. Currently, HRM is considered as nothing more than an administrative duty. In modern era, the responsibilities of HR Manager are higher than ever before. Due to Globalization, it must be ensured that human resource department is handled effectively and smartly. Globalization has causes a diversified workforce where people come from varying background. Globalization also causes technological changes, changes in the context of business, concern of business from moving to profit-oriented to growth-oriented and many others (Devana, Fombrumm, & Tichy, 1981; Wrightt, 1998). In modern era, in order to make a business grow, companies need to achieve a competitive edge and not only look into the transactional activities and administrative aspect of the job, but also formulate those strategies that align with the goals of business. In case the company does not adopt these tactics, then it will lose its relevance sooner or later. According to Huselid and Becker, (1997) companies that align orga nizational goals with human resource management system, a considerable change in financial position is observed. SHRM is considered as more extensive approach than conventional HRM because it links the activities of an organization with its goals (Singh, 2003). The performance appraisal system involves a strong reward plan.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Same-sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Same-sex marriage - Essay Example As the debate escalates over same sex marriage, the religious community of America remains with divided opinion on homosexuals entering marriage bond. When one idealizes of marriage, it is the image of a man and woman come in the minds. A marriage is an institution where a man and women take vow to love and care each other and procreate to keep the family lineage alive. It is revealed that, seventy percent of people in US oppose gay marriage and same proportion of people favor the same. It means the same people who opposed this issue are also favoring it on the other side. However, same sex marriages are not natural phenomena to talk about, as it does not result in an offspring which is a main objective of the union between man and woman. To accept same sex marriage is equal to being unnatural and provokes evil and immoral thoughts in the mind of people and creates a society which will eliminate the expanse of humanity. Genuinely speaking, homosexuals and gays have same right to live happily like any other person, and if they will to enter a marriage it not a very deniable act. Thinking from the point of view of human and civil rights, it can be argued that there is nothing wrong in giving them a platform to live joyfully. Considering the rights of homosexuals, five states of US have made legal the domestic partnership or civil unions of these groups.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Benefits of Live Performances over Recordings Research Paper

The Benefits of Live Performances over Recordings - Research Paper Example The sounds of today are not aimed at accuracy of sound. Due to their nature and the way they are made, there could never be a live equivalent of what is being played. The artist hears the music played through earphones, and then sings along to what they hear. Most of the music is dubbed over until perfection of the sound is as close as possible. While it may be extremely enjoyable to sit in your pajamas in bed listening to your favorite music or watching a live performance online, due to the technology involved, it’s not as realistic as an actual live performance. One of the greatest concerns of the music and performing industry today is piracy. We might be the only nation who doesn’t have terrestrial performance rights for sound recordings. Every time recordings are played, royalties are paid by the one broadcasting them. New legislation aimed at guaranteeing royalties for music and films downloaded from the internet, the Performance Rights Act in 2009, made it illegal to record, download, or copy music and videos intended for sale. In some ways this puts a damper on the home experience as many people are unaware of what constitutes piracy. It is the desire to experience the live event again, without paying twice, which fuels this situation. What happens when one listens to a live performance? It’s the whole ambiance of the situation that captivates live audiences. One must mentally prepare in order to fully appreciate their experience. It’s not enough to know about the music one expects to hear.... What a deal! (Recording History) The sounds of today are not aimed at accuracy of sound. Due to their nature and the way they are made, there could never be a live equivalent of what is being played. The artist hears the music played through earphones, and then sings along to what they hear. Most of the music is dubbed over until perfection of the sound is as close as possible. While it may be extremely enjoyable to sit in your pajamas in bed listening to your favorite music or watching a live performance online, due to the technology involved, it’s not as realistic as an actual live performance. (Recording History) One of the greatest concerns of the music and performing industry today is piracy. We might be the only nation who doesn’t have terrestrial performance rights for sound recordings. Every time recordings are played, royalties are paid by the one broadcasting them. New legislation aimed at guaranteeing royalties for music and films downloaded from the internet , the Performance Rights Act in 2009, made it illegal to record, download, or copy music and videos intended for sale. In some ways this puts a damper on the home experience as many people are unaware of what constitutes piracy. It is the desire to experience the live event again, without paying twice, which fuels this situation. (Future of Music Coalition) What happens when one listens to a live performance? It’s the whole ambiance of the situation that captivates live audiences. One must mentally prepare in order to fully appreciate their experience. It’s not enough to know about the music one expects to hear; all the details of the performers, their journeys along the human path are a vital part of the show as well. The experience begins when the line forms to buy tickets. Memories of