Saturday, February 29, 2020

General Motors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

General Motors - Article Example Bowen and Radhakrishna (1991) define motivation as a force that makes an organism or a person to respond. Thus an effective manager must be aware of the various factors that induce his or her employees to behave in a certain way. One of the significance theories that early managers adopted in their management was related to the appetitive function. According to this theory, the result of motivated employees which is the outcome of the forces and stimulus provided by the employers is brought about by imagination, memory as well as perception.According to James (2010) in his article on understanding employee’s motivation, staffs are not only motivated by salary increment but also by other factors such as more responsibilities, training, and shifts among others. Additionally, James (2010) covers the Hawthorne studies that sought to indicate the significance of human relations to the managers especially in focusing at the motivation and the needs of the employees. Two major ways t hat GM can emulate to maintain a productive work force is through provision of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Intrinsic factors include recognition of the hard working employees. This may be undertaken by promoting them or making them to be team leaders. On the other hard, James (2010) argues that a firm can provide job security and increased salaries as key extrinsic factors. James depicts that managers should also ensure equity among the employees as a way of motivating them. Equity is attained when the ratio of a worker’s output over inputs is the same with that of other employees (James, 2010). Studies undertaken by Adams (1965) indicate that for managers to effectively motivate their employees, it is paramount to first understand their goals. This is based on the fact that the goals of the employees vary. Through the provision of hygiene factors that include security, safety, salary, fringe benefits among others Adams (1965) argues that employees are powerfully motivated. Thus it is paramount for the GM managers to determine what their employees like and dislike so as to identify the appropriate hygiene factor to emulate. Adams (1965) argues that employees like six major aspect to improve their performance. First is achievement. This implies that workers are motivated when tangible goals are derived from their efforts. Secondly, employees like to be appreciated and recognized by their managers and other workers. Thirdly, employees are motivated by the work itself. For example, employees who enjoy working in garages will be more motivated if the GM managers take them to the production facility. Fourthly, workers are motivated when their responsibilities are increased. Fifthly, labor force is significantly motivated through promotion and advancement within their firm. In the same way, workers performance is enhanced when a company creates opportunities for growth. This can be undertaken by ensuring that workers are given ample opportunities to undertake part time courses either within the firm or from high institutions of learning. To ensure its employees in various parts of the word are motivated and are focused at attaining their own goals and those of the organization, General Motors should adopt McClelland's Human

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Aspects of Kirk's and Malcolm's Management Style that Contribute to Essay

Aspects of Kirk's and Malcolm's Management Style that Contribute to Their Effectiveness - Essay Example Like most of the managers of Neverwire, it is precisely the vision of Frank that led Kirk Arnold to join the company. Unlike Frank who wanted to have the right people in the company, Arnold focused on ensuring that their people knew what they need to do. By streamlining the operations and processes of the company, she was able to ensure teamwork and produce results that will guarantee the Neverwhere's sustainability. She became the model employee that she wants her team to be. Yet, aside from being a skilled manager, Arnold also had a personal approach, always commanding the effort, and coaching those who need improvement.  Ã‚  Like most of the managers of Neverwire, it is precisely the vision of Frank that led Kirk Arnold to join the company. Unlike Frank who wanted to have the right people in the company, Arnold focused on ensuring that their people knew what they need to do. By streamlining the operations and processes of the company, she was able to ensure teamwork and produce results that will guarantee the Neverwhere's sustainability. She became the model employee that she wants her team to be. Yet, aside from being a skilled manager, Arnold also had a personal approach, always commanding the effort, and coaching those who need improvement.  Ã‚  Frank and Arnold are the perfect partners for managing the company – one provided the â€Å"bigger picture† while the other provided the â€Å"inner work†. While one of them was busy ensuring that their people knew what they were trying to achieve, the other one was busy ensuring that their people had the right tools to get the work done right. Together, they make good complements.2. What are the key female gender stereotypes when it comes to leadership? Consider Kirk, do you find any evidence for or against these stereotypes? What factors (including her personal attributes) do you think might have contributed to her success in the business world?   In a research conducted by Alice Eagly and Linda Carli (2003), they mentioned several female gender stereotypes in leadership. Some of them are: (a) Women are more communal, they are attributed with characteristics such as warmth and selflessness and they lack assertiveness and instrumentality which people think are important distinctions of a leader (Eagly & Carli, 2003, p. 818); (b) Women are emotional, hence are unable to make objective decisions.Kirk Arnold however, one will see that the stereotypes are somewhat correct, but she was able to use it to her advantage. For example, her emotionality allowed Arnold to commend and appreciate her team explicitly, hence motivating them.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Layoff Protocol Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Layoff Protocol Assignment - Essay Example The layoff protocol is to be facilitated by the directors in close co-operation with the management team. It takes into account the current emotional and psychological distress being experienced in the organization and therefore requires that the implementation team adequately communicates the importance of this activity. The criteria of selection shall be pegged on four major benchmarks that will include the years of service, the nature of work, performance appraisal records among other factors like recommendation by head of departments according to fairness and the organizational policy. The management shall look into requests for volunteering workers who intend to leave for other reasons. Secondly, the committee shall proceed to look at the classification of employees on the stated factors as indicated above. The order of priority shall be given to technical employees, those who have served for longer years and are therefore not able to look for other places and highly performing employees as recognized by the human resource policy mechanisms. It is notable that the board arrived at this decision after considering other options and therefore it was the last option. The laid off workers shall also be given priority for redeployment should the current situation